Sunday, January 6, 2019

Egg Consumption Reduces Risk of Type 2s Diabetes

Eating one egg per day seems to be related to blood metabolite profiles associated with minimizing the risk of type 2 diabetes. The findings are according to research conducted at the University of Eastern Finland which was published in Molecular Nutrition and Food Research

Reported by the Medical Xpress, Friday (4/1), eggs are one of the controversial foods. On the one hand, large amounts of egg intake are not recommended because of high cholesterol content.

Meanwhile, eggs are a food source rich in bioactive compounds that provide health benefits. This means that the health impact of consuming eggs is difficult to determine based solely on cholesterol levels.

Previous researchers showed that consuming about one egg every day was associated with minimizing the risk of type 2 diabetes among elderly men who participated in the Kuopio Ischaemic Hearth Disease Risk Factor study in Eastern Finland. "The aim of the current study is to examine potential compounds that can explain this relationship using non-target metabolic techniques that allow a broader profile of chemicals in the sample," said the initial researcher and lead author of the study Stefania Noerman of the University of Eastern Finland.

The study found blood samples from men who ate more eggs including fat molecules associated with blood profiles that were free of type 2 diabetes. In addition, the researchers identified several biochemical compounds in the blood that predicted a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, including amino acids. tyrosine.

The researchers showed several plausible mechanisms that could at least partially explain the inverse relationship between egg intake and minimize the development of the risk of previous type 2 diabetes. "Although it is still too early to draw causal conclusions, we now have some clues about some egg compounds that might play a role in the development of type 2 diabetes. Further research with cell models and intervention studies in humans using modern techniques, such as metabolomics, which "is needed to understand the mechanism behind the physiological effects of egg intake," Norman said.

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