Sunday, February 24, 2019

Benefits of Salt for Skin Health

Salt has been used more as a cooking ingredient. But not many know that salt can be used to maintain healthy skin, one of which is powerful enough to make skin glow.

In addition to glowing skin, broadcast Femina Inn, here are some benefits of salt for the skin if routinely applied.

1. Skin peels naturally

Salt is natural exfoliation as well as sugar. On the face, salt helps lift dead skin and lightens the complexion. Salt can also make the skin softer and improve skin texture over time.

2. Clean thoroughly

Unlike sugar, salt has antimicrobial properties. This content makes the bacteria unable to grow properly. The antimicrobial content helps kill and destroy bacteria.

3. Balancing oil levels in the skin

The combination of absorbency and antibacterial effects on salt can help deal with acne. This combination can even balance oil levels on the skin of the face. To get this benefit, the use of any salt infusion product in the form of toner is highly recommended.

4. Moisturize

The benefits of salt are quite amazing, which can hydrate and nourish the skin. The mineral content in salts such as calcium, magnesium and potassium helps to moisturize as well as tarnish the skin.

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