Monday, February 11, 2019

This Food Helps Eliminate Fat from the Digestive System

Some foods can regulate your digestion. You can also add this food to your long-term diet because it can burn fat.

Then what are these foods? First is Bali Oranges. This fruit can get rid of fat quickly from your digestive system.

You can maximize fiber intake by consuming it in fresh form. Drinking a glass of pomelo juice can provide the benefits of burning fat,

In the journal "European Journal of Nutrition" published in March 2011 explaining the components in grapefruit, Naringen stimulates the production of amino acid carnitine. Carnitine allows your body to burn fat faster, according to the "Journal of Physiology" published in April 2011.

But that must be considered, as reported by the Strong Live, Monday (11/2), avoid consuming sweet grapefruit products. Also avoid adding refined sugars in pomelo juice.

Second, chili. Chili has a unique capacity to increase thermogenesis or the number of calories you burn when digesting food.

Capsaicin, a compound in chili increases your metabolism up to 20 minutes after consuming it. You can also use chili as a substitute for saturated fat, sodium or sugar to spice up your soup and sauce. This can reduce fat content and make a healthier diet.

Third, foods high in fiber. Fiber foods are divided into insoluble and insoluble fibers.

Sources of insoluble fiber include vegetables, whole wheat products, and nuts. This type of fiber transfers fat and food through your digestive system.

While sources of soluble fiber such as nuts, citrus fruits, barley, psyllium, oats, and apples. Soluble fiber, according to the April 2009 issue of "Nutrition Reviews", regulates blood glucose levels and fights inflammation.

After choosing healthy foods, you also have to consider how to prepare and consume food. Use lighter and healthier cooking methods, such as steaming and baking rather than frying.

Consumption of whole grains and legumes in fresh form. Because, it is higher in nutrients, fiber, and free of fatty and sugary ingredients. Chew your food thoroughly to help the digestive process.

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