Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Fasting Increases Metabolism and Against Aging

Recent studies to explore the effects of fasting on the human body have concluded that fasting increases metabolic activity more than previously realized. In addition, fasting can also provide anti-aging benefits.

Research shows alternating fasting can help certain people lose weight. However, researchers are still in the debate regarding how to effectively fast to lose weight. This new research provides clues to other benefits.

For example in mice, studies show fasting can increase age. Although interesting, this evidence in humans has not been seen. The latest study, which the author has now published in the journal Scientific Reports, is getting new facts with fasting diets in humans.

"Recently aging studies have shown that calorie restriction and fasting extend the effect on age in animal models, but the mechanism in detail remains a mystery," said the study's first author Takayuki Teruya, reported on Medical News Today, Tuesday (5/2).

In particular, scientists at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University in Japan examined their effects on metabolism. By understanding the metabolic processes involved, the team hopes to find ways to use fasting.

In the investigation, four volunteers fasted for 58 hours. Using metabolomics, or measurements of metabolites, the researchers analyzed all blood samples at intervals during the fasting period. What happens during fasting?

The body certainly lacks food. There are some that need to be noted regarding metabolic changes that occur.

Usually, when carbohydrates are available, the body will use them as fuel. But once they leave, look elsewhere for energy. In a process called gluconeogenesis, the body originates glucose from non-carbohydrate sources such as amino acids.

Scientists can find evidence of gluconeogenesis assessing certain levels of metabolites in the blood, including carnitines, and butyrate. As expected, after fasting the level of metabolites is present in the blood. However, scientists also identified many more metabolic changes, some of which were shocked. For example, they see a marked increase in products from the citric acid cycle.

Fasting promotes antiaging compounds

Higher levels of purine and pyrimidine are indications that the body may increase certain levels of antioxidants. The researchers noted a substantial increase in certain antioxidants, including ergothioneine and carnosine.

In a previous study, the same research team showed that as we age, a number of metabolites decrease. These metabolites include leucine, isoleucine, and ophthalmic acid.

In a recent study, they showed fasting increased these three metabolites. They explained this might help explain how fasting prolongs life in mice.

In all four subjects, the researchers identified 44 metabolites that increased during fasting, some of which increased 60-fold. Of these 44, scientists have linked only 14 to previous fasts.

The authors concluded effectively, fasting seems to provoke a condition that is far more metabolically active, than previously realized. Scientists believe an increase in antioxidants might be a survival response. During starvation, the body can experience high levels of oxidative stress. By producing antioxidants, it might help avoid some potential damage caused by free radicals.

Next, scientists want to replicate the results in a larger sample. They also want to identify possible ways to take advantage of the beneficial effects of fasting, and find out whether fasting can trigger the effects of calorie restriction, without having to limit calorie intake.

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