Thursday, February 28, 2019

Fruit, Coffee, Tea Can Also Reduce Cancer Risk

Besides there are foods that are harmful to the body and can increase the risk of cancer, there are also foods that can actually reduce the risk of getting cancer. These foods are rich in nutrients to potentially prevent cancer.

Reporting from the Business Insider page, to reduce the risk of cancer, you can eat healthy foods that are rich in nutrients from fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts. Besides helping to stay full and well-nourished, fibrous foods reduce your risk of colon cancer. The health of the large intestine will keep everything running smoothly in the digestive system.

Vegetables and fruits colored like celery, kale, carrots and tomatoes contain beneficial phytochemicals. That's what gives them color, smell, and taste.

Phytochemicals reduce inflammation and act like swallowed body guards, keeping things from being eaten, drinking and breathing so as not to become carcinogens. Phytochemicals can also help prevent DNA damage and repair it.

In addition, to reduce the risk of cancer, you can consume a cup of coffee or green tea every day. Scientists have found that drinking coffee can reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, including the endometrium (uterus), prostate, liver, mouth, throat and breasts.

If you prefer tea, some strong evidence shows the type of green tea that is rich in plant chemical compounds (polyphenols). The benefit is to disrupt the way cancer cells like to divide and multiply cruelly, thus slowing the formation of blood vessels around the tumor.

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