Monday, December 20, 2010

Jeruk Bali Can Treat Varicose V eins

Besides disturbing appearance, have varicose veins are also often makes the activity is hampered because it seemed a long standing foot is sore and hot. But with orange Bali, can help alleviate your varicose veins.

Varicose veins on the wall is weak, causing a bulge above the skin surface. This bulge could arise due to leakage of valves in the saphenous vein in the leg that prevents blood flow to the heart.

Varicose veins cause pain, itching and sometimes other complications such as eczema or boils. Some scientific evidence says that oranges Bali contain nutrients that can reduce or prevent varicose veins.

LIVESTRONG Launched on Monday (12/20/2010), following several shaddock nutrient content that can be used as a drug therapy of varicose veins:

1. Bioflavonoids
Bioflavonoids are a group of plant pigments that produce colors in flowers and fruits, and can help reduce varicose veins. Citrus bioflavonoids are found in the skin of fruits such as oranges, lemons and oranges Bali (grapefruit).

Bioflavonoids have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that may strengthen the collagen (the main protein in connective tissue) to keep the blood vessel walls remain strong.

Bioflavonoids are also believed to prevent bleeding and rupture of capillaries and blood vessels associated with varicose veins. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, routinely consume shaddock can help alleviate and treat varicose veins.

2. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is found abundantly in citrus, is also recommended as a treatment for varicose veins. Bioflavonoids work with vitamin C can help maintain healthy collagen. Connective tissue such as collagen and elastin helps keep blood vessel walls remain strong and flexible to help prevent varicose veins.

3. FiberAccording to the University of Maryland Medical Center, Orange Bali is not only low in calories but contain lots of fiber. Fiber is very important for the health of blood vessels, formation of blood vessel walls and proper blood circulation, so that it can prevent and treat varicose veins.

The National Women's Health Information Center, also recommends eating fiber to prevent constipation, which can lead to reduced development of varicose veins.

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