Monday, December 6, 2010

Leaf Cats Whisker

Mustache cat leaves can be used as drugs. As one of the properties to cure diabetes. Can also treat urinary stones, the urine is not smooth, feel the aches and pains during my period or menstruation.

The trick is:

1. 60 take leaves cat whiskers, if there is plus 12 fin meniran leaf and 3 rhizome puzzle.

2. Plus the palm sugar to taste.

3. Wash the leaves thoroughly and cat whiskers meniran leaves, then cut into pieces.

4. Boil the leaves and leaf cat whiskers mixed with 3 finger Meniran Rimbang puzzles and palm sugar as much as 3 cups.

5. Boil until the water is approximately 1 cup. Then cooled.

6. Drink boiled water three times a day. Do it until the disease is missing or does not taste at all.

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