Saturday, December 11, 2010

Kunci Pepet (Key Pepet / Kaemferia Undulate T & B)

Key pepet or white turmeric is often called "white turmeric" or "KaemferiaUndulate T. & B.", title Latin names. Because the leaves are beautifully patterned and the growth is not high, the figure resembles an ornamental plant that is often planted in the garden or in pots.

Pepet key can also be found growing wild in several places in the eastern part of Java to a height of less than 750 m above sea level.

Besides being used as a mixture of traditional herbal medicine, keys pepet also often used for traditional cosmetics.

There are two key growth stages pepet. The first is called the vegetative phase, which is normal as normal growth in leaves and pseudo stems. Secondly, the generative phase. In this phase you see only the flowers alone. This plant is found in lowland with an altitude of less than 750 m above sea level. Many are found in Sumatra and Java. In addition, also found in India, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia.

Annual herb 30-70 cm tall with a trunk grows merumpun apparent that grows from rimpangnya. Single leaf, leaf-shaped blade lanceolate, 20-30 cm long, 7.5 to 10 centimeters wide, pointed tip, base berpelepah, flat edge, light green color with the center of the patterned brown color. Flowers out of the rhizome with a very short pseudo stem. Flowers can grow gather, often bloom a few petals at a time, the color is reddish purple. Roots fleshy rhizome forms which is not too large, the size of a quail egg. From the parent rhizome roots out the rough edges have a watery rhizome tillers and seemed to grow gather over the parent rhizome. If the roots are cut in white color looks pale, finely fibrous, and taste bitter. If you have been out of interest, indicating the roots are ready in the harvest. Young tubers can be used as fresh vegetable. Propagation by rhizome.

Curable Disease:Rhizome very bitter, its cool. Efficacious anti-inflammatory, laxative fart (carminative), and accelerate wound healing.

The plant is used as a drug is rimpangnya.

Rhizome is used to overcome:
indigestion, abdominal pain, abdominal colic, andswollen because of bruises, sprains.

For external use, use the grated rhizome to plaster body parts bruises, sprains, and ulcers that are difficult to rupture. After finely ground into powder, the parent who has dried rhizome can be used as a powder.

Swelling, bruises, boils
Rinse and stem rhizome fresh pepet key, then mash until smooth. If using dried rhizome, add a little water. Paste the result on the body of bruising or swelling, then bandage.

Removing the wind from the stomach
Powder brewed pepet key as much as a teaspoon with a cup of hot water, then cover. After chilling, drinking beningannya.

Source: From all sources

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