Thursday, January 5, 2012

Rosella flowers, garden ornaments Anti-Hypertension

As with any kind of flower, rosella decent used as an ornamental plant because of the shape and attractive colors. Indeed this flower is also used as a herb dampers hypertension.

Judging from appearances, is not wrong if rosella flowers included in the category of ornamental plants. The color is bright refreshing, fitting if planted as an ornamental garden. Even so, plants that have a Latin name Hisbiscus sabdariffa is also efficacious to reduce the tumor, anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, and facilitate defecation.

Rosella flower petals can be used as material for steeping, like tea. In fact, accustomed now processed in the form of syrup, jams, and other beverages. Herbaceous plants are also known as the producer of this fiber can be processed into mixed salad, pudding, also pickled. Rosella flower petals contain vitamin C, vitamin A, and amino acids. All essential amino acids, 18 of which contained the rosella flower petals, including arginine and legnin, which plays a role in the process of rejuvenation of body cells.

Rosella flower petals also contain protein and calcium. As a traditional medicine, rosella efficacious as an antiseptic, aphrodisiac, diuretic, solvents, sedative, and tonic.

Rich in Antioxidants

Rosella popularity is then pushed the scientists to examine its contents further, one of them, Ir. Didah Nurfarida MSi, from the Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University. In 2006, Didah revealed that the antioxidant content of red petals in tea (rosella flower), the number is 1.7 mmol / prolox, higher than the cat's whiskers, which has been clinically proven to break down kidney stones.

The amount of antioxidants was obtained by grinding 3 rosella petals have dried, approximately 1.5 grams. Having given 200 ml water, then inserted into the spectrophotometer. Tools that analyze the chemical content based on the entire length of the refracted wave solution.

In the presence of antioxidants, free radical cells that damage the cell nucleus can be removed. That's why rosella have anticancer effects. Ingredients that were most responsible is the plant pigment anthocyanin or a responsible avoids cell damage caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet light.

In New Zealand, John McIntosh, a researcher from the Institute of Food Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University, rosella extract with drying petals at a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius for 36 hours. Three grams of dried rosella diluted in 300 ml of water. The solution was put into a tube spectrophotometer. The result rosela contain 51 percent anthocyanins, antioxidant 24 percent.

Findings that are then used Yun-Ching Chang of the Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan. Researchers then tested the effectiveness of the anthocyanins rosela to inhibit blood cancer or leukemia cells. Natural pigments oseile rouge - as rosella in France - not only inhibits the growth of cancer cells, but also turn it off. The dosage was only 0-4 mg / ml rosella. Affecting anthocyanin delphinidin 3-named sambubioside.

Some new research and preclinical research in the laboratory. There has been no direct proof of their effect on humans. However, Tria Novida (35 years) felt rosela direct benefits to lower high blood pressure that often interfere with the last half year. Mother of two children were admitted often dizziness, nausea, and heat in the head. Because it was considered unusual headaches, kindergarten teachers currently taking medicines are free. However, over time more and more severe head pain. His head felt heavy. If it were so, he could not walk, let alone teach, because of loss of balance. When the check to the doctor, he declared hypertension.

In late February, during a visit to an exhibition, he was offered hot tea steeping red. Although initially only a limited attempt, Ida decided to regularly consume rosella tea that was a bit sour, but more refreshing than tea. After eating for a month, he felt calmer as the nerves and tension neck stiffness due to hypertension slowly began to disappear. Not only that, the body also fitter and sleep soundly. To be more confident, Ida went to the doctor. It turned out that her blood pressure dropped 70 points, from 190 mmHg to 120 mmHg.

Down 11.2 pct

Efficacy zuring petals, rosella designation in Dutch, for hypertension also demonstrated Abd al-Aziz Sharaf of Sudan Research Unit, Institute of African and Asian Studies. As quoted Planta Medical Journal, rosella petals are hypotensive (antihypertensive) and anticonvulsants. Antihypertensive properties was tested clinically by M. Haji Faraji and A.H. Haji Shaheed Beheshti Tarkhani from the University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Tehran, Iran. As much as

54 patients of high blood pressure on Tehran's Shariati Hospital and sistoliknya diastolic pressure was calculated 15 days before and after testing.
Patients were given a cup of tea steeping 3 rosella flowers. After 12 days, the patient's systolic average fell 11.2 percent, down 10.7 percent diastolic pressure. When consumption rosela discontinued 3 days, increased 7.9 percent systolic pressure, diastolic 5.6 percent. That proves efficacious rosela indeed lowers high blood pressure.

Rosella flowers grow from seeds / seedlings reach a height of one meter over and issued a flower almost all year round. Rosella flowers brightly colored, flower petals (Calix) dark red and thicker when compared with hibiscus (shoe). Rosella flower parts which can be processed into food Calix is ​​having a sour taste. These petals can be processed into drinks, jellies, sauces, powders (tea), or candied.

Rosella young leaves can also be eaten as a side dish or salad. On the African continent, Rosela seeds eaten since believed to contain certain oils. In Sudan, Rosela processed into karkadeh, traditional beverage community pride.

How to cultivate it?

According to Iwan R. Hudaya, consultants and pembudi rosella flower power residing in the Sunday Market, South Jakarta, rosella more often processed into steeping, like tea.

Make infusion

Petals are picked, dried in the sun (1-2 days) in order to facilitate the separation of the tongue sheath (red) with the seeds. Next, the petals that have been separated with the seeds are washed with clean water. Seeds that have been aerated can be used as seed.

Red petals dried for 3-5 days. Use of plastic cover so that dust does not petals. Signs petals are dry enough, the water content of 4-5 percent live, and will become powder when crushed. Store in a clean, dry jars and cover tightly.


- Brewed 2-3 gr rosella tea with boiling water until dissolved and the water turns reddish (like making tea), add the ginger pieces or granulated sugar to taste. For who are dieting, cough, or have diabetes, use low-calorie sugars such as corn sugar.

- In addition to his own mixed, rosella flower extract can also be obtained in the form of processed products, from powders to materials steeping like tea bags. Rosela a good quality product can be purchased at drug stores that have been trusted and recognized by the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM).

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