Wednesday, August 30, 2017

7 Physical Signs We Have Bad Diets

There are many of our habits that are bad for the body, such as eating foods high in fat and calories, fast food, smoking, or drinking excessive alcohol.

Actually our body has a way to tell if our diet is unhealthy and there are dangers awaiting. If you experience any of the following symptoms, it may be time to change your diet, consult your doctor, or both.

1. Damaged hair
Some people are blessed with thick, healthy hair, others are not as fortunate. However, having beautiful hair is not only due to genes but also many other things in the body.

In fact, hair follicles are the first part of the body that will suffer from an unhealthy diet. Diet is too tight until hunger will cause a lack of protein so the hair will be stiff or fall off. The condition can also be caused because the body lacks fatty acids, vitamin C, zinc, and iron.

2. Wrinkles
All of us will eventually get wrinkled. However, we can control how quickly the signs of aging will arise by avoiding unhealthy habits, such as smoking.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Foods Burned Cause Cancer, Myth or Fact

Another myth about cancer circulating in the community is that food that is burned can trigger cancer. Is this myth true or not?

Chairman of the Indonesian Cancer Foundation (YKI), Prof. Dr. dr Aru Wicaksono Sudoyo, SpPD-KHOM, said the food that was burned did not trigger cancer. Because it is not the charcoal that causes cancer cells. But what materials are burned. If chicken or fish is burned even burnt though, it does not trigger cancer.

Then what food can be burned cause cancer? According to the man who also served as Chairman of the Association of Oncology Indonesia (POI) foodstuffs such as red meat that can cause cancer if burned to long. Red meat when heated will issue heterocyclic amunes. This is the substance that makes cancer.

"It's not charcoal that makes cancer, but red meat that is heated to black is what makes cancer.If chicken or grilled fish does not matter," he said in a press conference Betadine Retro Run in Jakarta, some time ago.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Which is Better, Routine Sports or Sleep Enough

Regular exercise and adequate sleep are two things that are just as important for maintaining a healthy body. But, when you feel tired and sleep deprived, does it still need to get up earlier to do the sport?

Maybe you hope the answer is "no". Besides, the mattress and the warm blanket are more tempting than having to bother to spend energy on the sport. Especially if the outside is raining.

That is why, choosing between going to sleep to get a healthy sleep is fulfilled, or forcing to get up to exercise, are two difficult choices. Well, between the two options, which should take precedence: exercise or sleep?

If asked to vote, according to Edward Laskowski, MD, a professor of physical medicine at the Mayo Clinic, sleep and sports are likened to food and water. Not only necessary for the body, but both are very difficult to separate from each other. That's why these two things are a difficult choice.

Cheri Mah, a sleep medicine researcher at Stanford University and University of California, San Francisco added, if based on many research results, it is known exercise routine is very important to get quality sleep, and quality sleep is important for physical performance.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Which is the Right One, Eat Fruit or Rice First

There are different opinions related to the 'ritual' of eating fruit. Some think the fruit should be eaten before the rice or vice versa, eating the fruit into "dessert" after a big meal.

According to Professor of Community Nutrition Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Professor Ali Khomsan, when the best time to eat fruit was dependent on weight.

"Fruits or vegetables matter first if we are experiencing obesity or overweight, so we are not greedy to eat carbohydrates and fats," said Prof. Ali to Compass Lifestyle in Journalist Goes To Campus event at Faculty of Human Ecology (FEMA) IPB, Bogor, West Java, Wednesday (23/8/2017).

Meanwhile, for people with normal weight and no body weight problem, then there is no rule should eat fruit or rice first.

Prof.Ali reminded that the body can digest according to whatever food goes into the body. When the carbohydrate in advance, it will be digested first by the mouth. Meanwhile, if the incoming protein, it will not be digested in the mouth, but in the body.

"So our body enzymes come out to digest according to the incoming food," he said.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

5 Low Sugar Fruits to Lose Weight

If during this most people assume the fruit is the most healthy food for the diet, in fact not always so. The reason there are several types of fruits that contain high levels of sugar.

Instead of losing weight or controlling blood sugar, eating inappropriately will increase the intake of sugar and calories in the body. That's why it's important to know which kind of low-sugar fruit is good for lowering your weight and and also your blood sugar.

What are low-sugar fruits that are good for diet? Here are some low-sugar fruit that could be an option to be consumed in helping the weight loss program and control your blood sugar.

But do not worry your nutritional needs are not fulfilled by the consumption of these fruits. Although low in sugar, but these fruits still contain a number of other important nutrients such as protein and fiber are good for the body.

1. Family beri

Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries are low-sugar fruit families. Average sugar content in the family give per 150 gram serving only 4-7 grams only. Berries are also rich in antioxidants and vitamin C so good for your skin and digestion.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Milk Assessed Most Effectively Improve Nutrition

Nutrition issue is a national problem that can only be handled through cooperation between various stakeholders. This needs to be a concern given that Indonesia should continue to foster competitiveness of human resources that can compete in regional and global level.

Deputy Minister of PPN / Head of Bappenas Human Development, Society, and Culture, Subandi Sardjoko, stated that the double nutrition burden is a challenge for Indonesian human resources. These challenges can appear in various stages of the life cycle and are very influential to the competitiveness of Indonesians.

For example, the impact of nutritional problems that arise at an early age is not limited to the child's nutritional status at that time alone, such as short-bodied children, obese children or malnourished children. These impacts will then be associated with lower risk of intelligence and the risk of non-communicable diseases when the child is in adulthood.

"For that reason the existence of affordable food and nutrition sources will greatly help the community improve their nutritional quality," said Subandi to, in Jakarta. According to him, the availability of good nutritious food products at affordable prices will greatly assist most people in the middle of limited purchasing power.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Running Does not Have to Be Fast, It Benefits Slow Run

Many people think that running should be in a fast pace, at least not slowly, to get healthy benefits. In fact, sooner or later, running together to provide health benefits, both physical and mental, said Alissa Rumsey MS, RD, CDN, NSCA-CSCS.

"Many of my clients feel that they are not eligible to join the competition because it is very slow. In fact, running slow or fast, you will still reap many benefits. In fact, a recent report found that American runners have recorded a much slower race time in the last 20 years. That means you are not alone, "said Rumsey.

So before you throw away your running shoes, consider the reason why slow running is actually a good activity.

The risk of injury is reduced

One of the main reasons someone stops running is an injury. And one of the main causes of injury is running too fast or too hard. In fact, one risk of running at high speed is the emergence of extraordinary pressure and strain on your body.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Sponge Wash Dishes So Bacteria Storage

Sponges in the kitchen become mandatory for cleaning cooking utensils and utensils, but this dishwasher can be the dirtiest thing. The scientists published a study revealing how dense the surface of the sponge in the kitchen with microscopic bacteria.

To produce accurate calculations, the researchers did two ways. Previously experts only measured the amount of bacteria in dirty sponges in the laboratory stomach plate, but not all bacteria could grow in the medium.

The researchers then collected additional data from the donor sponge (a sample of 14 dishwashing sponges). Apparently, sponges are cleaned regularly in soapy water or dishwasher stores more bacteria called Moraxella osloensis.

Bacteria are common and harmless, but can cause infection in people with impaired immune systems.

According to Dr.Markus Egert, microbiologist, this study is not intended to cause fear, but still many readers are worried. "Our study is primarily to create awareness, not fear," he told the New York Times daily.

Although bacteria in dishwashing sponges are not always dangerous, but he thinks it's better to throw out the stinky ones, a sign that the bad bacteria are there.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Diligent Handwashing Prevent Cervical Cancer

Diligent hand washing can prevent cervical cancer because the human papilloma virus (HPV) that causes cancer can move through touch, said Head of Social Services Yayasan Kanker Indonesia (YKI) Venita.

"We need to be more careful about the cleanliness of the public toilets, then wash hand hygiene," he said in Jakarta on Monday (14/8).

Based on research, he said, the spread of cervical cancer virus through touch contact less than 10 percent. However, paying attention to cleanliness is important for prevention.

In addition to diligent hand washing, prevention can be done is vaccination and early detection at least 3 years.

"At least 3 years, if you can more often, yes, it does not matter.Summerly feared to forget, but once every 3 years minimal.Papsmear free BPJS so there is no reason not to check," said Vernita.

He also suggests a balanced diet, lots of foods containing antioxidants, and regular exercise to prevent contracting cervical cancer.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Stress turns out to be contagious, this is the scientific explanation

When a person experiences stress, psychiatric conditions are not impossible to spread to people around. Founder of the health and wellness applications of Energy Fusion Dean Griffiths said there was a scientific explanation behind the condition.

He explained, humans can reflect each other's emotions because of what is called mirror neurons. When seeing someone else perform an action, the mirror neuron glows as if we are also doing the same thing and allowing us to capture the person's mind.

"Our emotions are spread through wireless networks of mirror neurons, which allow us to empathize with others," Griffiths said, as quoted from the Psychologies page.

If we see a person's toes tripping, certain areas of the brain light up and make us feel the same pain. In fact, one study found that 26 percent of people showed elevated levels of stress hormone cortisol just by looking at someone who is experiencing stress.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Sugar Adversely Affects Mental Health

Sugar may not only be bad for your teeth and waistlines, but also your mental health. Researchers at University College London (UCL) compared the report of sugar intake by more than 8,000 people in a long-term study in the UK with their moods.

Participants who are civil servants, monitored during 1985-1988, and filled out questionnaires every every few years. Researchers analyzed the study data that studied the relationship between sugar intake and general mental disorders (CMD) such as anxiety and depression.

The UCL team found men who consumed more sweet foods and drinks were more likely to suffer from mental disorders after five years. They concluded, in a study published in the journal Scientific Reports, that lower sugar intake could be associated with better psychological health.

But nutritionist Catherine Collins, spokesman for the British Dietetic Association, said the results have not been proven. The problem is the amount of sugar consumption self-reported by the participants and the sugar intake of alcohol is not calculated. The researchers, he says, seem to confuse natural sugars from foods such as milk, and sugar added to hot drinks or sweets.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Often Takes Santan Increase Cholesterol

Santan is a food ingredient that is commonly used in food archipelago. Starting from vegetable lodeh to rendang, all must use coconut milk to enhance the taste.

Although tasty on the tongue, but the consumption of coconut milk should be limited because it has a negative impact on health. "Of course (raising cholesterol) If pure coconut milk is an oil, even a bad oil," said Dr. Setiowan Ong, SpPD-KGEH to Kompas Lifestyle at the launch of FiberCreme at The Lounge XXI Plaza Senayan, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (8/8) / 2017).

Santan, said Hardianto, also consists of a mixture of fat and sugar. As for the oil, according to him will have an impact on the narrowing of blood vessels that cause coronary heart to stroke.

Hardianto added, if fat and sugar mixed in the body so much will be absorbed. "Meanwhile, if we eat too much coconut milk, (can cause) high cholesterol, high blood or even coronary heart," he said.

To reduce the absorption of cholesterol, we are encouraged to eat lots of fiber-containing foods, such as vegetables, fruits, seeds, or oats and whole products.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning

Starting the day by drinking warm water is known to improve digestion, increase mineral absorption and other health benefits.

Add lemon in your warm water to get bigger benefits. Here are the benefits as reported by BoldSky page.

Detoxification of the body
Although quite acidic, lemon water can balance the PH in the body. This drink helps remove toxins from the liver.

Stimulates digestion
Lemon water can stimulate the digestive tract and increase the body's ability to absorb nutrients throughout the day.

Lose weight
Lemon water contains soluble fiber that helps you lose weight. This drink helps reduce calories from your food every day.

Treat stomach ache
When you are lying in bed because the stomach feels fullness, heartburn or flatulence, try drinking warm lemon water that can help reduce acidity in the stomach.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Potent Guava Boil Water Saves Blood Sugar

The result of research of Lampung student showed that giving of guava boiled water had an effect to decrease blood sugar level of diabetics. The research is based on traditional habits using guava to lower blood sugar.

Dedi Rahayu, a final semester student of STIKes Umitra Lampung nursing program, in Bandarlampung, Monday (7/8), explains, has conducted a study aimed to determine the effect of guava boiled water to decrease blood glucose levels in people with diabetes mellitus type II Setia Bumi Village, working area of ​​Totomulyo Public Health Center, Tulangbawang Barat Regency, Lampung.

He mentioned, diabetes mellitus patients (DM) in the village of Setia Bumi as many as 33 people. Guava (Psidium guajava) is one of the traditional medicine that can lower blood sugar, considering the content contained in guava fruit one of them is an antioxidant that can reduce oxidative damage in diabetics.

Dedi explained, DM is known as diabetes is a chronic disease caused by the body's inability to produce insulin hormone or due to ineffective use of insulin production. Prevalence of DM in the world of 1.5 to 2.3 percent is estimated to be 5.7 percent by 2020. In Indonesia, the prevalence of DM each year, ie 1.1 percent to 2.1 percent. In Lampung Province the prevalence of DM increased from the previous year, which was 49,568 cases to 69,282 cases.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Drinking Water Mistakes

There are several drinking water habits that turned out wrong. Reported from Boldsky, following the mistakes:

1. Excessive drinking
If you force yourself to drink a gallon of water a day, you are drinking too much. Instead of being healthy, you can actually experience overhydration or excess fluid.

2. Not aware if the water also comes from solid foods
Did you know that 20 percent of our daily water needs can come from solid foods such as fruits and vegetables? Not only water, you can hydrate the body with fruits and vegetables that contain lots of water, for example cucumber that has 96.7 percent.

3. Avoid caffeine
Caffeine can increase metabolism because it contains diuretics. Coffee is a good source of water and also gives your body an antioxidant inflammation.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

A cup of tea a day can prevent senile

One of the wishes of every person is to be able to keep a good memory until the old age. However, keeping memories is not easy. The risk of dementia, overall memory loss in elderly is still large.

However, there is a way that might help you avoid the risk of dementia. A study from the National University of Singapore found that drinking tea could reduce the risk of cognitive impairment by up to 50 percent. The decline could even reach 86 percent for adults who have a genetic risk of Alzheimer's disease.

The study was conducted in 957 elderly ethnic Chinese aged over 55 years. "Although the study was conducted on Chinese ethnic elderly, the results can also be applied to other ethnic groups. Our findings have important implications for the prevention of dementia, "said Feng Lei, a researcher.

He said that despite the high-quality drug trials, effective pharmacological therapy for brain neurological disorders such as dementia remains elusive and current prevention strategies are far from satisfactory.

"Tea is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. Data from our study suggest that simple and inexpensive lifestyles such as daily tea can reduce a person's risk of neurocognitive impairment in the elderly, "he said.