Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Really Drinking Salt Water Healthy

'Sole' or the practice of drinking water mixed with natural salt is becoming a current health trend. Drinking saline water or salt water is believed to remove toxins in the body and increase energy. Is it true?

The founder of Practical Nontoxic Living Sophia Gushee is one of many people who tried this sole trend. For a week, Gushee drank salt water and monitored the changes that occurred on his body.

After a week, Gushee said salt water was instrumental in making her skin cleaner. In addition, Gushee felt the quality of his sleep also became better after drinking salt water. Drinking salt water also encourages Gushee to live a healthier lifestyle.

According to Welness Mama, soles are not as simple as adding salt to water. The salt used is natural salt, one of which is a pink salt originating from the Himalayan mountain.

Nutritionist Frida Harju Westman believes that soles can be beneficial if done with the correct salt. However, people who want to undergo this health trend must monitor the amount of salt used. Increased salt intake can cause dehydration.

"To avoid this, make sure you do not drink more than one glass of sole per day and make sure you also drink enough water," said Westman as dilansir Independent.

Nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert has a different opinion regarding this health trend. Lambert said today a variety of misleading health trends are circulating around the internet and people should be vigilant before adopting one. The 'sole' trend is part of the misleading health trend.

"Research shows that moderate salt can be useful for regulating blood pressure, but too much salt can cause high blood pressure," says Lambert.

Eating a little salt in everyday life is something that needs to be done. But this little salt consumption should be obtained from a good dietary regimen.

On the other hand, the benefit claims of drinking brine are also not supported by strong scientific or research evidence. Lambert also said that the detoxification claim is a fraud. "It is important to know that these benefits come from the main ingredient, that is water," Lambert explained.

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