Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Five Fruit Rich Water Antidote Dehydration

Lack of consuming enough water can cause dehydration. If someone is dehydrated it can certainly lead to a variety of problems ranging from fatigue, headaches, skin problems, cramps, low blood pressure, and heartbeat that beat quickly.

In fact, prolonged dehydration can lead to problems of serious complications such as organ failure.

Therefore, experts often recommend drinking several glasses of water per day to meet the needs of water. In order to meet the needs of water, not only comes from consuming only water. But it can also be sourced from foods that contain lots of water.

Here are five pieces that have a high water content that can help overcome dehydration as quoted in the Health Line page, Tuesday (29/5).

1. Watermelon

Watermelon is the most water-filled fruit by 92 percent so as to help overcome dehydration. In addition, watermelon also contains some fiber and some essential nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin A and magnesium.

This one fruit is also very low in calories. Because of its high water content, watermelon has a very low calorie density. Foods with low calorie density have been shown to help you lose weight so you feel full faster and reduce your appetite.

2. Strawberries

Strawberries have a high water content. Because about 91 percent of strawberries come from water. So this fruit can help keep dehydrated. By eating this fruit, can increase daily body water intake required by the body.

In addition, strawberries have many fibers, antioxidants that can prevent disease, contain vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, folate and manganese. Consuming strawberries regularly has been shown to reduce inflammation, which can help protect against heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's and various types of cancer.

3. Melon

Melon is a very nutritious fruit and can improve health because the water content consists of about 90 percent water. In addition, this fruit also contains fiber that can work together with water to increase satiety and reduce one's appetite.

In addition, Melon is rich in vitamin A that can provide 120 percent of daily needs. Research has shown that vitamin A can improve health and immunity against infection.

4. Peaches

Peaches are very nutrient-dense fruits and can hydrate. Almost 90 percent of the weight of this fruit is water. In addition, peaches also contain important vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B and potassium.

Eating peaches with their skin is also shown to contribute antioxidant disease antidote such as chlorogenic acid. Water content and peach fiber are the reasons why this fruit is so dense and low in calories yag contains only 60 calories.

5. Orange

Orange is a fruit that can provide a number of health benefits. In one orange contains as much as 88 percent water, along with fiber and some other nutrients. These include vitamin C and potassium which can boost immune function and heart health.

In addition, oranges are also rich in antioxidant disease antidotes, including flavonoids, which can prevent cell damage by reducing inflammation. Water and fiber in oranges can also enhance feelings of satiety, which is helpful to keep your appetite under control.

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