Sunday, March 24, 2019

Diet Bisa Gagal karena Kurang Minum Air Putih

Berbagai jenis diet. Mulai dari diet keto dengan meningkatkan konsumsi protein hewani, diet rendah lemak, diet OCD, hingga diet mayo dengan menghindari makanan yang mengandung garam dan jenis diet lainnya.

Tetapi semua jenis diet pasti gagal jika mereka tidak diimbangi dengan konsumsi air yang cukup. Menurut ahli urologi di University of California San Francisco Dr. Thomas Chi, kesalahan terbesar yang sering dilakukan oleh pelaku diet adalah terlalu banyak memperhatikan asupan makanan tetapi mengabaikan asupan air minum.

"Orang yang melakukan diet ekstrem, mereka cenderung memiliki kadar garam lebih tinggi dan kurang hidrasi," kata Chi seperti dikutip dari Fox News, Senin (25/3).

"Kandungan garam yang tinggi ini mungkin sangat bermasalah untuk diet yang kaya daging. Kekurangan air, dikombinasikan dengan peningkatan asupan daging, dapat menyebabkan komplikasi seperti batu ginjal," tambah Chi.

Namun ada cara sederhana untuk mengatasinya. Ahli penyakit dalam dan ahli gastroenterologi Kota New York, Dr. Sonpal Niket mengatakan tubuh manusia memiliki cara alami untuk memberi peringatan bahwa tubuh mengalami dehidrasi. Antara lain dengan munculnya rasa haus.

"Haus adalah peringatan bagi tubuh alami kita bahwa kita kehabisan cairan, Anda harus merespons sesegera mungkin," kata Sonpal.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Four Science Facts About Celery Juice Trends

Celery juice is increasingly becoming a trend and echoing on social media. Celery juice is believed to increase nutrition. This includes helping intestinal microbiomes, a combination of bacteria, and other microflora to make the intestines work properly. But is this claim completely true?

Celery juice, like all other vegetable juices, actually cannot cure all diseases and is not a miracle drug. After all, it's only about crispy green drinks and it tastes very good especially if you add peanut butter.

It is always important to separate truth from sensations when there is a health trend. Especially if claims made are not supported by research carried out correctly by leading scientists. It is important to note that the human intestine is a very complex and individual organ. Let's see what the science of celery juice says as reported by page Bustle.

1. Can inhibit intestinal inflammation

According to a study in the Nutrition Research Reviews, celery contains luteolin. There are also many similar ingredients in carrots, peppers, olive oil, peppermint, and rosemary. The content is known to have positive health effects, both for the intestines and other organs.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Lima Makanan Baik untuk Masalah Ginjal

Penyakit ginjal adalah masalah umum yang mempengaruhi sekitar 10 persen populasi dunia. Ginjal adalah organ kecil yang berbentuk seperti kacang tetapi memiliki banyak fungsi penting.

Ginjal berfungsi sebagai penyaring limbah makanan, melepaskan hormon yang mengatur tekanan darah, menyeimbangkan cairan dalam tubuh, memproduksi urin, dan banyak tugas penting lainnya. Ada berbagai cara di mana organ vital ini dapat menjadi rusak. Diabetes dan tekanan darah tinggi, misalnya adalah faktor risiko paling umum untuk penyakit ginjal. Tetapi obesitas, merokok, genetika, jenis kelamin, dan usia juga dapat meningkatkan risiko.

Ketika ginjal tidak berfungsi dengan baik, sisa makanan bisa menumpuk di dalam darah. Karena itu, penting bagi penderita penyakit ginjal untuk mengikuti diet khusus. Orang dengan masalah ginjal membutuhkan nutrisi seperti natrium, kalium, fosfor, dan protein.

Meski perlu konsultasi karena stadium penyakit ginjal bisa berbeda untuk pasien, untungnya banyak pilihan makanan lezat dan sehat bagi mereka yang bermasalah dengan ginjal. Berikut adalah lima daftar makanan yang direkomendasikan oleh halaman Healthline.

1. Kembang kol

Kembang kol adalah sayuran bergizi yang kaya akan banyak nutrisi termasuk vitamin C, vitamin K, dan vitamin B folat. Sayuran juga mengandung senyawa antiinflamasi yang sangat baik seperti indole dan sumber serat. Selain itu, kembang kol dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti kentang untuk lauk kalium rendah.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Hindari Gangguan Kesehatan Mental dengan Jamur, Caranya

Selain memiliki rasa yang enak, jamur ternyata memiliki manfaat kesehatan saat dikonsumsi. Salah satunya adalah manfaat untuk kesehatan mental.

Manfaat jamur bagi kesehatan mental diungkapkan oleh tim peneliti dari Universitas Nasional Singapura yang telah melakukan penelitian dari 2011 hingga 2017. Berdasarkan penelitian pada lebih dari 600 warga Singapura berusia 60 tahun, konsumsi jamur dapat menjaga kesehatan mental.

Berdasarkan penelitian ini, konsumsi lebih dari dua porsi jamur per minggu dapat mengurangi risiko gangguan kognitif ringan hingga 57 persen lebih rendah daripada mereka yang jarang makan jamur. Dua porsi sajian jamur setara dengan 300 gram jamur.

Peneliti senior dari Departemen Biokimia NUS Dr. Irwin Cheah menilai manfaat jamur bagi kesehatan mental tidak terlepas dari kandungan di dalamnya. Cheah mengatakan jamur kaya akan senyawa yang disebut ergothioneine.

Senyawa ergothioneine bertindak sebagai agen antioksidan dan agen anti-inflamasi. Senyawa ini juga dapat melindungi sel-sel otak dari kerusakan.

Dalam sebuah studi terpisah pada tahun 2016, Dr. Cheah dan tim penelitinya menemukan bahwa kekurangan ergothioneine dapat menjadi faktor risiko penyakit neurodegeneratif. Salah satu contoh adalah Alzheimer.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Apparently, Sports Remain Beneficial as Old as Anything Begins

For those who are not familiar, exercising feels burdensome. They are just called to be more active in moving after a long time has passed.

Is there a word "late" to feel the benefits of exercise? The good news is that the word is not in the sports dictionary.

No matter how old we start, exercise will still bring benefits to the body. Research at the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has provided evidence of these claims.

Sports studies usually record the level of physical activity of people at one point in time, such as when young, middle age or more. However, NIH post-doctoral researcher Pedro Saint-Maurice and his colleagues wanted to find out whether the benefits of exercise changed if people remained active for most of their lives or grew active or shrunk in time.

"We don't know much about long-term participation in sports. How do you maintain an active lifestyle, or go down and up again, or stay at a low level of activity that has an impact on health risks?" Saint-Maurice said, quoted from Time, Saturday (9/3).

In a study published in JAMA Network Open, researchers asked more than 315 thousand United States adults aged 50 and 71 years. Participants get questions about leisure time activities at four different points in their lives, aged 15-18 years, 19-29 years, 35-39 years, and 40-61 years.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Air Pollution Becomes Deadly Killer Every Year

Seperti dilansir Arab News, Selasa (12/3), peneliti di Jerman dan Siprus memperkirakan polusi udara menyebabkan 8,8 juta lebih banyak kematian pada tahun 2015. Angka itu hampir dua kali lipat dari perkiraan sebelumnya, yaitu 4,5 juta kematian. Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia memperkirakan bahwa merokok membunuh sekitar tujuh juta orang per tahun di seluruh dunia.

Fokus utama dari penelitian ini dilakukan di Asosiasi Kardiologi Eropa. Para peneliti menemukan bahwa polusi udara menyebabkan sekitar 790 ribu kematian di Eropa. Dari jumlah tersebut, antara 40 dan 80 persen disebabkan oleh penyakit kardiovaskular, seperti serangan jantung dan stroke.

"Karena sebagian besar partikel dan polutan udara lainnya di Eropa berasal dari pembakaran bahan bakar fosil, kita perlu beralih ke sumber lain segera untuk menghasilkan energi," kata para penulis dari Institut Max-Plank untuk Kimia di Mainz dan Institut Nicosia Siprus, Siprus, Prof. Jos Lelieveld.

Lelieveld menjelaskan, penggunaan energi bersih dan terbarukan berarti bahwa itu sejalan dengan Perjanjian Paris untuk mengurangi dampak perubahan iklim. Selain itu, energi terbarukan juga dapat mengurangi angka kematian terkait polusi udara di Eropa hingga 55 persen.

Studi yang diterbitkan dalam European Heart Journal ini berfokus pada ozon dan polusi partikel terkecil, yang dikenal sebagai PM2.5. Partikel polusi sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan karena dapat menembus ke dalam paru-paru dan dapat memasuki pembuluh darah. Para peneliti mengatakan data baru menunjukkan efek kesehatan berbahaya PM2.5 jauh lebih buruk daripada yang diperkirakan sebelumnya.

Para peneliti menyimpulkan penyebab utama penyakit pernapasan dan kardiovaskular adalah PM2.5. Oleh karena itu, hasil penelitian mendesak pengurangan batas atas untuk PM2.5 di Uni Eropa, yang saat ini ditetapkan pada 25 mikrogram per meter kubik atau 2,5 kali lebih tinggi dari pedoman WHO.

"Di Eropa, nilai maksimum yang diizinkan terlalu tinggi," kata Lelieveld dan rekan penulis Prof. Thomas Munzel dari Departemen Kardiologi di Mainz Medical Center di Jerman. Munzel mengatakan Amerika Serikat, Australia, dan Kanada membuat pedoman WHO sebagai dasar untuk merumuskan undang-undang, yang juga diperlukan di UE.

Di seluruh dunia, polusi udara menyebabkan lebih dari 120 kematian per 100 ribu orang per tahun. Kematian di beberapa bagian Eropa berada pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi hingga 200 per 100.000 orang. "Untuk menempatkan ini (masalah) ke dalam perspektif, ini berarti bahwa polusi udara menyebabkan lebih banyak kematian dalam setahun daripada merokok. Merokok dapat dihindari tetapi polusi udara tidak," kata Munzel.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Be Careful with Lemon Ornaments at Restaurants

Some restaurants often make lemon slices as garnishes in drinks. Some people often put the lemon in a drink, even suck it directly. But wait a minute, not the benefits of lemons obtained, it's the problem of germs.

A 2007 study published in the Journal of Environmental Health tested 76 lemons from 27 restaurants for germs and other dirty objects. As a result, almost 70 percent of lemon slices contain viruses, bacteria, and other microbes, including E. coli.

Although lemon is a natural germ killer, it does not mean that the lemon cannot be contaminated. So, putting lemon slices into a drink can be a silly way to make a problem with the body.

Another investigation conducted by ABC investigations examined lemons from 10 different restaurants. The results of the investigation found that more than half of lemon slices contained human waste.

Health standards in restaurants tend to be less strict for decoration and thus lemon slices in drinks are more likely to have more bacteria than food on a plate. The researchers found, chefs in restaurants often take lemons without gloves, meaning that if they don't clean their hands after using the bathroom or touch other germs, there is a high chance that they will transfer the germs to the lemon.

8 Benefits of Cinnamon Milk

When you hear the word cinnamon that you think about is the sweet taste and the aroma of the wood that comes out. Cinnamon is an herb produced from the inside of Cinnamomum verum bark.

Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory sources, and other good compounds. This makes cinnamon one of the best spices in the world.

Cinnamon milk is simply mixing cinnamon into milk. In India, cinnamon milk is used to treat various diseases. In addition, cinnamon enriches the taste of milk.

Reported on Boldsky, cinnamon is rich in calcium, fiber, vitamin B6, magnesium, iron, vitamin A, carbohydrates, and vitamin A. Milk has calcium, magnesium, conalamin, potassium, sodium, and carbohydrates. Adding a little cinnamon to food or drinks not only enriches the taste, but also adds nutrients to health. The following are the benefits of consuming cinnamon milk.

Improve Oral Health

Cinnamon contains essential oils that can protect the mouth from bacteria that cause bad breath, damage to teeth and cavities, and also mouth infections. Based on studies, essential oils have antibacterial which can fight the bad bacteria found in the mouth.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Not the salt that needs to be watched out

The use of salt in a variety of food offerings seems unavoidable. Salt is in bread, pizza, soup, and packaged foods to restaurant food.

Salt is indeed needed to add flavor. However, recently, experts suggested that the public be careful with the salt present in these foods.

What you should watch out for salt is not the salty taste, but sodium or sodium levels. A report from the US National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine links the recommended limits for sodium with a reduced risk of chronic disease. The report, is expected to be a guide for policy makers and a guideline for reducing salt.

"By reducing salt, it is the same as reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, at least the limit for adults is only recommended 2,300 mg a day," the report said as reported by the AP on Wednesday (6/3).

Previously, the recommended limit was based on the threshold used by experts to show various potential adverse effects. Now, the report says the upper intake level will indicate a threshold for potential toxicity.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Okinawa Diet Can Help You Reach 100 Years of Age

Diet is usually done by reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Now there is a new diet pattern that changes the trend above, even this diet can make longevity.

Residents in the Okinawa region, a collection of several islands in southern Japan, are one of the regions with the highest living population in the world. Reported in the Daily Mail, in recent years, Okinawa residents who touched the age of 90 years dropped dramatically.

Medical research says this happens because of changes in dietary patterns and excessive consumption of processed foods. The Okinawa diet basically makes yams a staple food and consumes high amounts of yellow and green vegetables.

While protein is consumed in minimal amounts, it is usually soybeans and fish. Nuts are also eaten in small amounts. This excess diet has been highlighted by the Okinawa Centenarian Study (OCS).

Studies say this diet is a diet low in refined carbohydrates and high in fiber. This dietary arrangement is understood to be anti-inflammatory and hence helps prevent age-related diseases, including some cancers, heart disease, and Alzheimer's.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Treatment with Food to Cure Disease

Choosing healthy food is a recommendation to keep the body healthy and not getting sick. With the development of research, food is currently becoming a therapeutic treatment to support a person's recovery when sick.

The therapy is the Geisinger Program which was launched in 2017 by the Geisinger Health System in one of the hospitals owned by the Fresh Food Farmacy community. This community provides healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meat and low-sodium choices for patients in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, and teaches them how to incorporate these foods into their daily diet.

The Geisinger program is one of a number of breakthrough efforts that ultimately regard food as an important part of patient medical care. This program also treats food as a medicine that can have the power to heal.

More research reveals that human health is broader than the drugs they drink and tests performed. Health is influenced by how many people sleep and exercise, how much stress they carry, and what they eat each meal.

Food is a special focus of doctors, hospitals, insurance companies, even entrepreneurs who are frustrated by the slow progress of drug treatment in reducing food related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and cancer. They are also driven by the growth of research that supports the idea that when people eat well, it will remain healthy and more likely to control chronic diseases and may avoid them altogether.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Benefits of Consumption of Watermelon during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an important phase in a woman's life. Therefore a woman must maintain her physical health condition as well as the fetus in her womb.

One of them is by managing your diet by applying a balanced diet. In a balanced diet, fruit is an important part. The fruit that is recommended during pregnancy is watermelon. This fruit contains a lot of water. In addition, many vitamins in it, including vitamins C, A and B complex.

Watermelon also contains magnesium and potassium. With a water content of more than 90 percent, consuming watermelon is recommended for losing weight, launching a bowel movement or preventing constipation and hydrating the body.

Watermelon is also high in fiber. Therefore, watermelon is an ideal snack during pregnancy. Watermelon can help keep hunger and make you full longer.

Other benefits of watermelon for pregnant women, including.

Control nausea

As reported by Boldsky, Friday (1/3), during pregnancy women will experience morning sickness, which is a feeling of nausea and even vomiting in the morning. Watermelon can be consumed directly or in the form of juice. Drink after waking up in the morning. This will help make the early days of pregnant women fresh and soothing.