Monday, August 22, 2011

11 Features Morning Sun

These days we often hear news about the detrimental effects of sunlight so many people to be careful to protect themselves from the dangers of the sun's ultraviolet rays. However a number of studies have shown that exposure to sunlight actually provide many benefits bagitu health benefits.

Sunlight is one gift that is necessary for human life on earth. The sun keeps the earth warm and prevent the world from freezing. However, if the body is too often exposed to the sun can increase the cancer risk of cataracts as well.
Sunburn or sun burnt skin is a condition caused by UVB radiation rays that are too high and this (UVB radiation) can also cause DNA damage. However, if harnessed in the right quantities, sianr sun can make us become more healthy and certainly happy. Here are some health benefits of sunlight:
1. Vitamin D: Sunlight stimulates the body to produce vitamin D. Exposure to sunlight on the face, neck, arms and legs for 10-15 minutes can generate 1,000 international units (IU) to 3,000 IU, depending on skin type and requirement of vitamin D needed by the body each in one day.
Vitamin D functions to increase calcium absorption in the gut and calcium transfer across cell membaran, so it can strengthen bones. Vitamin D can also provide protection against this type of cancer (such as lung cancer, prostate, and skin), osteoporosis, rickets, and diabetes. In addition, vitamin D can help lower blood cholesterol levels thus helping to fight heart disease.
2. Serotonin: In addition to stimulating the body to make vitamin D, sunlight can also stimulate the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain that regulate mood. Serotonin levels are high enough to generate a more positive mood and a quiet way of thinking with mental focus.
3. Overcome depression: People with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) may develop symptoms of depression (such as loss of interest in daily activities, feel they have no energy or fatigue, and moodiness) in the months of winter when less sunlight or radiated. Sunlight can reduce symptoms of depression by releasing endorphins. Endorphins itself is a natural anti-depressant that is owned body and is very useful in cases of seasonal depression.
4. Increase blood circulation: Sunlight mapu improve blood circulation by dilating blood vessels in the skin. That way, more nutrients and oxygen carried to the cells when the capillary blood vessels open so that health becomes better. In addition, the heart becomes healthier by lowering the pulse rate when resting and reduce blood pressure.
5. Skin fix: Soak in safety has been shown to improve chronic skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Exposure to sunlight can also reduce the manifestation of signs perengangan, scars and other skin imperfections.
6. Lower risk of cancer: Synthesis of vitamin D, which is caused by sunlight, can reduce the risk of various forms of cancer such as prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, and ovarian cancer. But be careful, too long sianr sun exposure may increase the risk of skin cancer.
7. Prevent diabetes: A new study has shown that with exposure to sunlight and vitamin D can prevent type 1 diabetes in children. Some also believe that exposure to sunlight can also lower blood sugar levels by stimulating the storage of sugar within the muscle and the liver.
8. Strengthens the immune system: Sunlight can strengthen the immune system, because when exposed to sunlight, the body produces more white blood cells that help ward off infection and other diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
9. Detoxification of the body: Exposure to sunlight can also boost the elimination of toxins in the body by improving liver function. In addition, sunlight also increases blood circulation, so the toxins more efficiently eliminated through the blood.
10. Improve quality of sleep: With exposure to sunlight, melatonin production increases. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pinea gland-like pea-sized organ found in the small base of the brain. Melatonin is needed fatherly good quality sleep.
11. Improve the digestive system: Sunlight is also the best fatherly treatment increases appetite. But they can also improve digestion and increase metabolism.
Despite having a wide range of benefits for the body, but experts warn that excessive sun exposure can cause eye damage, melanoma and skin cancer. So be sure to choose the right time to get sun exposure and protect skin by wearing a hat, appropriate clothing, or use a sun screen.
Medical Secretary of the Indonesian Cancer Foundation (YKI) Adityawati Ganggaiswari, in human declare an opportunity in Indonesia is relatively much exposure to ultraviolet light each day in a long time.
However, the Indonesian people, including quite fortunate to have many causes of skin pigment or blackish brown. Pigment in the skin's function is to protect the body from ultraviolet exposure.
Aditya suggest, basking in the morning for a while is the best way to receive the benefits of sunlight. That need to be avoided is exposure to UV rays, especially between the hours of 10:00 until 16:00. Adityawati notice, it is not advisable to bask in the rest of the time, because UV can damage the skin and lead to cancer.

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