Wednesday, August 24, 2011

uick Skin Aging due to stress

So far, more stress is seen as a trigger various chronic diseases such as hypertension or migraine. Whereas the first body part affected is the skin stress. The skin is an organ that is very busy with the direct and indirect links with the brain.

When we're marasa anxiety or fatigue, the hypothalamus sends a signal to the pituitary gland are forwarded to the adrenal gland. Then these glands produce cortisol, a stress hormone.
Once cortisol is pumped into the system of the body, all organs of the body will accept it and there was inflammation (inflammation) as a reaction to stress. This inflammation will produce antioxidants that destroy the cells.
Inflammation that occurs while it helps fight disease, but if ongoing (chronic) the body will suffer the consequences, including the incidence of diseases such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease.
What to do with skin? The emotional factor was a big influence on the occurrence of premature aging. When our pores inflamed, it will become dense and swollen and can easily become clogged. Then when the collagen becomes inflamed, broken structure so as to accelerate the onset of wrinkles.
Acne, wrinkles, dry skin or skin rash is actually an indicator of what is happening under the skin. But we are more likely to blame external influences such as dust, brown, or terganggungnya weather as a cause of skin conditions.
A study revealed that adolescents experienced acne during exam season, 23 percent worse than any other time. The condition of acne is not known to be caused by excess production of oil glands but because of inflammation in the body.
Given the close connection between the skin with the emotional factor is not reduced then to beauty, skin care should be balanced with the emotional care to control stress. Prepare yourself to deal with stress and take a break for the body and mind to relax.

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