Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Educating bilingual Brain Child?

The mastery of foreign languages ​​has become an important point in the success in the future. Therefore, many parents who want their children to master a foreign language as early as possible. The problem, as early as what a child can be taught a second language and is there a benefit to brain development? 

A study showed that since the age of two years of a child can be taught a foreign language. In fact, children are able to speak two languages ​​have advantages in the development of the brain that has executive functions, such as planning, organizing, or focus on important details.
Children who suffer from concentration problems (ADHD) and autism typically have drawbacks in terms of executive function.
In a study conducted on 63 children under five are known, children who are taught two languages ​​from the age of two years has advantages in terms of executive function. However, in general, there was no difference in cognitive function or intelligence and mastery of syllables.
Although you zealous in teaching a second language to the child, the child should have mastered their mother tongue first. The stronger the mother of a child's mastery of language, the greater the opportunity for him to fluent in a foreign language.
Approach in teaching a second language to children also should use complete sentences. For example, instead of saying, "Son, let's read this story book," better to say, "Honey, let's read together this story book". For that, before teaching a foreign language, parents should ensure their own mastery of foreign languages ​​is good.

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