Sunday, December 2, 2012

14 Myths and Controversies Difficult Child Eating

Problem difficulty eating among children is quite common. One of the problems most frequently encountered is the habit of picky eaters or commonly referred to picky eaters. This habit is widely experienced by infants when they began to move liquid to solid foods. Many parents hassles when they found him on a hunger strike or just want to eat certain foods. Although the problem is sometimes frustrating, but for the good and future baby, it certainly should not be condoned by the parents.
Here is the information about the 14 myths and facts about the controversy difficult child problems eating and picky (picky eater):

1. Myths and Controversy: My child is eating a lot but not fat
Fact: Actually, when examined there was no specific children who have certain genetic patterns resulting weight hard fat. But this is exacerbated by the provision of food intake is not optimal.
2. Myths and Controversy: The child is not eating often bored and tired of eating dairy.
Fact: Actually, when the child does not want to eat or refuse not because of boredom, but because of decreased appetite. This condition often occurs in children with feeding difficulties such as impaired gastrointestinal function easily vomit when crying or coughing or easy or simple nausea when bribed food or put your hand into the mouth. When there is a complaint of nausea, usually makannnya decreased appetite. This is when the kids shut up, brushed off the food or refuse food because of complaints of nausea and vomiting but is considered bored or tired of dairy foods.
3. Myths and Controversy: Children up to the age of 2-3 years would only drink milk will not eat rice, vegetables or meat. Because parents are late or less errors introduce solid foods early.
Fact: Actually, no fault of the parents, but they had to introduce solid foods the children at a certain age. But because the child is not eating oral motor disorder resulting in impaired swallowing chewing so they will choose select or reject certain foods, especially the fibrous texture. Kids like this just do not like the food and the crispy fibrous or kriuk.
4. Myths and Controversy: Kids eat picky or Picky Eaters because one parent does not have to introduce a variety of foods.
Fact: Actually, not just the fault of the parents, but they had to introduce solid foods varied food. But because the child is not eating oral motor disorder resulting in impaired swallowing chewing so they will choose select or reject certain foods, especially the fibrous texture like vegetables, beef or rice. Kids like this just do not like the food and the crispy fibrous or kriuks such as biscuits, crackers and the like
5. Myths and Controversy: The child weighed less and thinner because the child can not sit still and the children are very agile.Fact: In children with a skinny body weight can occur due to genetic as well as his appetite is intermittent sometimes good sometimes less. Because food intake is not optimal then result in less weight. Active children and lots of motion will not affect the increase in disorder weight when their food intake is good. Many children are very active and agile but good for body fat and food intake consistently good in the long run.
6. Myths and Controversy: The child is not eating is not unusual for his time-period will also be improving yourself.Fact: It is about 30% of children have trouble eating because the most common cause of gastrointestinal disorders immaturity. It is experienced in under 3-5 years. On top of that age will improve. but about 70% of children do not. So normal to say is not entirely true since most children do not have. was later a certain age will get better-not because the child is not eating but his time at a specific age group of children can experience hypersensitivity or immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract as a major cause trouble eating. If allowed to difficulty eating due to the immaturity of gastrointestinal disorders will improve by itself but you should not wait for specific age better because when it happens it will be a lot lighter complications arise that are not recognized as disorder weight gain, anemia (lack of blood) or iron deficiency and various other disorders.
7. Myths and Controversy: Kids will not eat if his favorite food is not provided, or just want food that's it. At this age a child's brain begins to develop, and can choose which they like and which ones are not.
Fact: Actually, the child is not a picky eater as a preferred but because that just want food that easily chewed and swallowed. Pda tough kid eating disorder resulting in impaired oral motor chew swallow so they will choose select or reject certain foods, especially the fibrous texture like vegetables, beef or rice. Kids like this just do not like the food and the crispy fibrous or kriuk like eggs, nuggets and the like
8. Myths and Controversy: The child is not eating and picky eating imitate parents in from the start mimicking the diet of nearest picky eaters.
Fact: The child is not eating and picky eating imitate parents in from the start imitating eating its immediate environment are also a picky eater. But because the child is not eating oral motor disorder resulting in impaired swallowing chewing so they will choose select or reject certain foods, especially the fibrous texture like vegetables, beef or rice. Kids like this just do not like the food and the crispy fibrous or kriuks like eggs, noodles, nuggets, biscuits, crackers and the like. Oral motor disorders usually are caused by impaired gastrointestinal function such as GER, allergies or other food intolerance. People with allergies or other genetic disorders are often inherited by one of his parents, especially his face. So if one of the parents who face similar problems also have difficulty eating and not because it mimics the pattern of her parents but because it is genetically inherited problems.
9. Myths and Controversy: The child does not want to eat hard or difficult to try new and different foods. This condition is often called neophobia, or fear of trying new things.
Fact: Children are difficult to eat not because they do not want or difficult to try new and different foods. But because the child is not eating or oral motor disorders oral hypersensitivity. Disorders that cause impaired swallowing chewing so they will choose select or reject certain foods, especially the fibrous texture like vegetables, beef or rice. Kids like this just do not like the food and the crispy fibrous or kriuks like eggs, noodles, nuggets, biscuits, crackers and the like. Children also have trouble eating hard oral hypersensitivity characterized eating sticky, hard to eat foods that taste sharp as too sweet or too bitter biasanaya prefer a slightly acidic.
10. Myths and Controversy: There is no lack of discipline lunchtime meals, morning, afternoon, evening, and snacks in between main meals make kids could eat anytime without control.
Fact: Actually, when the child does not want to eat or refuse to eat it because it tastes intermittent erratic. Sometimes eating is hard on the day and certain hours. This condition often occurs in children with feeding difficulties such as impaired gastrointestinal function easily vomit when crying or coughing or easy or simple nausea when bribed food or put your hand into the mouth. When there is a complaint of nausea usually makannnya decreased appetite. This is when the kids shut up, brushed off the food or refuse food because of complaints of nausea and vomiting but is considered bored or tired of dairy foods. Disorders that cause nausea decreased appetite usually often arise in the morning or often called morning sickness. This resulted in the majority of children who are difficult to eat it more difficult to eat in the morning, once at 10 and above her stomach condition usually accompanied by improved appetite improved somewhat.
11. Myths and Controversy: mother-child communication If mothers feed infants with the wrong approach, fair if the child away when the meal arrives. For example, the mother screaming was so upset because the child does not also want to open his mouth. Such habits make the child no longer enjoys dining atmosphere, let alone food.
Fact: Communication and indeed affect mood while eating, but it is not the main thing. Even if that effect is not the cause of the factors that aggravate the primary. Children often have trouble eating appetite loss. Actually, when the child does not want to eat or refused not because of boredom but because of decreased appetite. This condition often occurs in children with feeding difficulties such as impaired gastrointestinal function easily vomit when crying or coughing or easy or simple nausea when bribed food or put your hand into the mouth. When there is a complaint of nausea usually decreases appetite. This is when the kids shut up, brushed off the food or refuse food because of complaints of nausea and vomiting but is considered bored or tired of dairy foods. In baikpun mood, appetite disturbance was still not good, but maybe the atmosphere and poor communication indeed aggravate an existing condition.
12. Myths and Controversy: The cutlery is too old, unattractive can not provoke appetite.Fact: The cutlery is a funny, interesting problems will probably help a little difficult to eat the children, but in a state of trouble eating disorders are not light means it will not work at all. Children often have trouble eating appetite loss. Actually, when the child does not want to eat or refused not because of boredom but because of decreased appetite. This condition often occurs in children with feeding difficulties such as impaired gastrointestinal function easily vomit when crying or coughing or easy or simple nausea when bribed food or put your hand into the mouth. When there is a complaint of nausea usually makannnya decreased appetite. This is when the kids shut up, brushed off the food or refuse food because of complaints of nausea and vomiting but is considered bored or tired of dairy foods. Cutlery menarikpun sometimes will not improve appetite disturbance, but probably not interesting equipment may indeed meperberat existing circumstances. The important thing is to find a reason why digestive disorders arise and how to overcome them. When gastrointestinal disorders are not corrected tip wear interesting food places will not have the problem.
13. Myths and Controversy: Give food that looks interesting, no eyes, ears or form funny pictures.
Fact: Form eating funny or interesting may be a little help problema trouble eating for children, but in a state of trouble eating disorders are not light means it will not work at all. Children often have trouble eating appetite loss. Actually, when the child does not want to eat or refused not because of boredom but because of decreased appetite. This condition often occurs in children with feeding difficulties such as impaired gastrointestinal function easily vomit when crying or coughing or easy or simple nausea when bribed food or put your hand into the mouth. When there is a complaint of nausea usually makannnya decreased appetite. This is when the kids shut up, brushed off the food or refuse food because of complaints of nausea and vomiting but is considered bored or tired of dairy foods. Forms attractive eating disorder may sometimes result in appetite, but maybe it's just meperberat existing situation is not the main cause. The important thing is to find a reason why digestive disorders arise and how to overcome them. When gastrointestinal disorders are not corrected tip using a form of eating that funny or interesting may not affect the problem.
14. Myths and Controversy: The child is not eating should eat in a parent's lap. Do not get children to eat while walking around the complex, biking, or watching television.Fact: When a child is difficult to eat sometimes parents or caregivers are forced to feed when children play or move much. Some of the recommendations states that children should be eating while bribing sit lap parents. But unfortunately it is hard to do. Instead children are difficult to eat with gastrointestinal disorders usually result in the child restless and can not sit for long. Children also often have trouble eating appetite loss. Actually, when the child does not want to eat or refused not because of boredom but because of decreased appetite. This condition often occurs in children with feeding difficulties such as impaired gastrointestinal function easily vomit when crying or coughing or easy or simple nausea when bribed food or put your hand into the mouth. When there is a complaint of nausea usually makannnya decreased appetite. This is when the kids shut up, brushed off the food or refuse food because of complaints of nausea and vomiting but is considered bored or tired of dairy foods. Various tips and ways of feeding the child is not eating is not helpful if it is not optimal to find the cause of indigestion arises why and how to overcome them. When gastrointestinal disorders are not corrected tip using a form of eating that funny or interesting may not affect the problem.

The best way to overcome the cause
The process of eating occurred from entering the food to the mouth, then chew and swallow, so the skills and gross motor skills movement system around the mouth plays an important role in the process of eating. Movement of motor coordination such as biting movements, chewing, and swallowing performed by muscles in the upper and lower jaw, lips, tongue, and many other muscles around the mouth.
Skills and ability to coordinate oral motor or gross motor coordination movement around the mouth is very instrumental in the process of eating. The movement in the form of coordinating the movements morik biting, chewing and swallowing muscles performed by the upper and lower jaw, lips, tongue, and many other muscles around the mouth. Process of eating disorders in the mouth is often a nuisance to chew food. Process of eating disorders in the mouth often with an eating disorder appetite is not good. Understanding eating problems is if the child does not want to or refuse to eat, or have difficulty consuming food or beverages to the type and amount of physiologically appropriate age (natural and reasonable), starting from opening his mouth without force, chewing, swallowing up until absorbed dipencernaan the either without coercion and without giving vitamins and certain medications.
Symptoms of feeding difficulties in children are (1) Spew or gush-nyemburkan food that has been entered in the child's mouth, (2). Eating linger and play food, (3) Not at all willing to put food in your mouth or mouths shut tight , (4) Spew or spilled food, rejecting bribes from parents, (5). Not like a lot of variety of food or picky eating and (6), odd eating habits and bizarre.
Oral motor disorders and reduced appetite are often caused by impaired gastrointestinal function. Existing data Picky Eaters Clinic in Jakarta, most people, or about 90 percent of patients are difficult to eat often with allergic disorders and gastrointestinal hypersensitivity.
Various tips and ways of feeding the child turned out to be less useful when the main cause of gastrointestinal disorders in children are difficult to eat is not improved. Apparently when intervention interrupt handling are improved gastrointestinal function recovery followed the child's appetite.

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