Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ten Tips For non Dehydration

You have to keep your body to stay hydrated or have enough body fluids. This is to avoid your chances of many diseases, especially dehydration.
Dehydration can cause stroke, fatigue, cramps, and rash. Here are 10 tips to keep you hydrated, quoted SymptomFind, Thursday (20/12).
1. Drink before thirst
You are advised to drink before you feel thirsty. The body is thirsty indicate you may be close to dehydration. Someone usually only drink when his thirst. Healthy it was when his needs are met with good body fluids, even where they have you do not feel hungry at all.

2. Prioritizing water, not sugary drinksSweet drinks did help quench your thirst. However, sugary drinks also carry excess calories that can be detrimental to your health. It would be better if you drink more water instead of sugary drinks.
3. Bring a water bottleThe habit of carrying water in the bottle will give you the opportunity at any time to meet the body's fluids. It also makes you more regularly to drink before you feel thirsty.
4. Natural juice
You might prefer to drink water or fruit juice instead of water to drink when his thirst. Natural ingredients such as lemon, strawberry, or a piece of cucumber is also good dipped in water. Alternatively, you can process them into juice.
Adding fruit is better than you add other artificial food into the water, such as fruit flavorings powder, or syrup. Because, it's all the same calories abortion with soft drinks.
5. Drinking carbonated water
Drinking carbonated water, but not soda, it also includes attractive option. Therefore, you can get the same taste of the soda bottle. The bubbles and fizz of carbonated beverages do not contain calories as soda. Inijauh safer if you consume when eating in restaurants.
6. Avoid alcoholic beverages
Alcoholic beverages, such as cold beer from the fridge is not a good idea for you to drink when thirsty. Alcohol only gives you the freshness diawalnya only. If it's common, it causes disease diuretic and cause you to urinate frequently.
7. Drink 'Sport Drinks'
Outdoor activities in hot weather bring, such as biking, hiking, mountain climbing, rafting, or playing volleyball makes you produce a lot of sweat. Moreover, this is compounded by the hot temperatures outside. In this condition, the drinks 'Sports Drinks' can you eat because they can fill in any missing nutrients in your sweat.
8. Drinking water is condensed
You may like to drink cold water being removed from the refrigerator. It would be healthy if every morning you drink water that has condensed. This habit is often done by people of old. They put a bottle of water on the roof or the lawn in front of the house at night, and then drink the water in the morning. This water is fresher than the water stored in the refrigerator.
9. Create a reminder
When a person is too busy working, sometimes forget to keep drinking regularly. Arrange your time, or make a reminder, for example alarm to tell you his time drinking. That's the point if you bring a water bottle that can be refilled.
10. Eating fruits and vegetables
Instead you buy an ice cream or a cold soda, you better reproduce eating fruits that contain water. For example, watermelon, oranges, grapes, coconut, and cucumber.

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