Monday, December 17, 2012

Want to Know to Prevent Hair Loss

Baldness, thinning hair volume and hair loss occurs due to various reasons. Clearly, this affects a person's self-confidence.Clinical expert professional hair world, Swiss Luxury Clinic, gives 10 tips to prevent hair loss. Here's how, quoted from Premium Europe on Wednesday (12/12).1. Simple maintenanceMaintaining healthy hair is not excessive means to provide care to the head. Naturally, the scalp was actually already set their own work in order to stay balanced. If the balance is disturbed, the scalp will overreact. For example, the head and the hair becomes oily. Use a shampoo that suits your skin type head.2. Note hairstylesCertain hairstyles have a certain effect for hair defense mechanisms. If someone is always with her hair in a tight ponytail style, it would be very damaging to the hair in the long run. For women veiled, it is better when not wearing the hijab for menggerai hair. Or, at least her hair with loose ties.3. NutrimentA good idea to reproduce the foods that contain omega fatty acids, vitamin C, biotin, protein, and iron. Food is good to add to your daily diet. Foods containing these substances will strengthen and suspend hair.
4. Observe the condition of the hairCondition of the hair needs to be monitored. In particular physical appearance, such as hair gets thinner, more brittle, or hair started falling out. If this happens, immediately consult a doctor as soon as possible.5. Avoid stressPut yourself in the position of stress can be bad for the hair. Therefore, avoid stress triggers damage to the hair.6. Visit the doctorVisiting your doctor regularly is actually not too advisable. This is just to make sure if the damage is excessive hair. A minimum of one annual health checks to monitor iron levels and thyroid hormones contained in the body.7. Massage the scalpWhen do wash, a wealthy better do it while massaging the scalp. It provides long-term benefits for the health of hair. Manual massage by hand will ensure the blood supply to the scalp increases. This will allow hair to absorb the necessary nutrients well.
8. Diet cautionDiet continuously not only bad for health, but also bad for the hair. Specifically, the researchers suggest avoiding liquid diet. Drinking to excess, on the other hand are eating less, will adversely affect the hair. The impact is the loss of hair protein and vitamins needed scalp.9. Combing HairSomeone who is combing her hair regularly can protect hair from hair loss. These are included in a healthy lifestyle. Comb used also sehendaknya right comb. Thin hair should not use a comb meetings, let alone comb round.10. Limit alcoholAvoid drinking alcohol is not only good for the heart and health, but also good for preventing hair rontok.Beruntunglah people who are not with alcohol dependence.

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