Monday, June 24, 2013

How to Prevent Heart Disease

Heart attack or angina is the culmination of a long journey of plaque buildup. If there are risk factors for coronary heart disease, such as smoking, obesity, lack of activity, or there is a family history, then the buildup of fatty plaques grow faster.

Ronald Winardi Kartika Sp BTKV emphasis on prevention tips on coronary heart disease risk in healthy eating habit. Ie, avoid foods that contain lots of fat or high cholesterol, such as seafood and fried foods and avoid foods with high sugar content, such as soft drinks.

Increase the consumption of drugs or wheat which can help keep the heart healthy can be a possible alternative source of carbohydrates from rice. Keeping the waist so that no more than 80 cm is also an indicator of coronary heart disease prevention. Plus, stop the smoking habit. "Very good if you avoid the stress, either in the office or at home," said Ronald.

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