Monday, January 8, 2018

Get Rid of Black in a Natural Armpit

Have problems in appearance and tend to avoid certain clothes because of black underarms? there are several ways to get rid of dark people in the armpit area with natural ingredients. But before that, make sure if you have avoided chemicals with high alcohol content, such as hair removal cream or deodorant.

The first natural ingredients that can be used as a bleach axillary is a cucumber. Cucumbers are known to have cold properties that can reduce body heat and contain good natural bleach to treat dark skin problems.

To get the benefits of cucumber, you just need to grind it or smoothing it with a mixer. After getting the juice, dip the cotton into the cucumber water and attach it to the armpits. In addition to potentially expel the dark skin, cucumber is also believed to eliminate underarmy aroma.

Another ingredient is potatoes. Potatoes have acid properties and contain natural bleach that serves to reduce dark skin, by rubbing thin potato slices on the required part. Besides being used by rubbing, potato juice can also be used for the same function, and is similar to applying cucumber water.

Coconut oil is also known as a natural skin lightening ingredient because of its good vitamin E content to remove dark underarms. You simply wet the oil in the armpit area and massage it. After a massage, let stand for fifteen minutes and rinse with warm water. Applying coconut oil regularly is also believed to be an effective way to remove dark areas of your armpits.

Last is lemon. It's no secret if lemon is the best ingredient as a natural bleach. All you have to do is split the lemon into two parts and then rub it into the dark area and let stand for a few minutes. Do it this way twice a week and you will see the magic. For best results, combine turmeric powder in lemon spray water before it is applied in dark areas. Good luck.

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