Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Lemon and Ginger Potion, Can Really Decrease Stomach Pomegranate

In addition to the unsightly eyes, distended stomach also save a lot of risk health problems. That's why a lot of people are looking for ways to remove the pile of belly fat.

Lemon and ginger water solution has become a recipe for hereditary heritage to shrink distended stomach. However, does it work or just the story?

Belly stomach occurs when too much fat accumulates in the abdominal area and around the waist. This abdominal fat accumulation can be caused by a diet high in carbohydrates, cholesterol, and fat, increased stress hormone cortisol, to less exercise.

Potbellious stomach can also be triggered by excessive alcohol consumption, so no wonder if often referred to as beer belly or beer belly.

Well, lemon is widely used as one of the natural ingredients of weight loss because it is believed to help improve the body's metabolic work. The faster the metabolism, the faster and more fat deposits are burned.

In addition, lemons have a natural diuretic properties that can help cleanse the intestines from piles of food residue triggers constipation. Logically, the more hardened food residues accumulate in the intestine, the more weight increases.

Another theory is that lemon is a very low-calorie food source that will not trigger weight gain, because the nature of the acid actually helps reduce hunger.

So it is with ginger. An article in the British Journal of Nutrition reports that ginger is able to control blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and burn fat, thus helping to reduce appetite.

Dr. Len Kravitz in the article Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin states that ginger can suppress the production of cortisol hormone.

How to Make Lemon and Lemon Potion
Prepare a small pan and heat 4 glasses of water or taste.
Take the fresh lemon, clean it, and cut the lemon into pieces.
Take one segment of ginger, clean it, and cut it into sections. You can also use ginger powder.
Put a few pieces of ginger or 1 tablespoon of ginger powder into a pan of water.
Then enter 1 to 2 pieces of lemon.
Allow to boil and then pour into the glass.
You can add a spoon of honey if you want the lemon water and ginger to taste sweeter on the tongue.

Although each ingredient has benefits to help erode body fat, but is the mixture both of them a powerful recipe for weight loss?

For that matter, the answer is still unclear.

Quoted from Self, Alissa Rumsey, R.D., spokesperson for the Academy of Nutritions and Dietetics, gave her little insight into the matter. "Lemons dissolved in hot water actually do not cause weight down," he said.

Rumsey's statement is also supported by Anna Z. Feldman, M.D., An endocrinologist at Joslin Diabetes Center, quoted from Women's Health.
Feldman revealed that lemon actually has no direct effect to lose weight, but it is undeniably good for our body.
Even so, lemon enriched with vitamin C that can increase body stamina. Adding ginger in a lemon water solution may speed up weight loss. Ginger is a stimulant that has a caffeine-like effect.

The combination of stimulant effects of ginger and stamina enhancers from the lemons can add energy and vigor to exercise. This will help burn calories and belly fat to produce a flat stomach.

In other words, drinking lemon and ginger juice alone every morning will not necessarily make a flat stomach. There is no single herb or drug that can instantly work alone to shrink the distended abdomen.

You still need to do other business to make this happen, that is with exercise and a balanced diet.

If you are not physically active and healthy diet, the benefits of lemon and ginger water to help shrink the distended stomach will be in vain.

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