Sunday, January 21, 2018

Really Coconut Oil Healthier for Frying

In recent times, coconut oil has become a trend among the observers of healthy eating. Coconut oil is claimed as a healthier alternative oil, including for frying.

The clinical nutrition specialist from RS Pondok Indah Bintaro Jaya dr Diana F Suganda MKes SpGK dismissed the assumption. Diana said coconut oil is not a healthier alternative to oil because it has high saturated fat content.

"We heat (for cooking) become more saturated again," said Diana, Friday (19/1) in Jakarta.

As reported by the BBC, coconut oil has a saturated fat content much higher than the lard, even butter. The content of saturated fat in the lard is 39 percent and in butter by 51 percent. While the content of saturated fat in coconut oil reached 86 percent.

Foods that contain high saturated fats should be limited. The reason, the consumption of foods with high saturated fat content can increase blood levels of LDL.

Diana says how to cook with frying will make a good oil even become saturated. Diana suggests good oils such as olive oil until canola is consumed in a raw state, without being heated.

If it is necessary to fry with oil, the thing to note is the amount of oil used. The process of frying with a lot of oil, Diana continued, can also add food calories by 150 calories. To prevent excess oil during cooking, the use of spray oil may be considered.

"Suppose the 100 grams raw chicken thigh is 100-150 calories, if boiled calories the same, so fried, added 150 calories per one fried," added Diana.

Diana said there are several alternative frying without having to use oil. One of them by using water fryer tool to 'fry'. Another way that can be done is to 'fry' food by using a sticky pan.

"Without oil better," explained Diana.

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