Monday, January 15, 2018

For the sake of Health, Setop Consumption 7 Types of this Drink

Now it's time you are more selective in choosing drinks consumed.

Some drinks will actually bring adverse health effects. Here are seven drinks that you should no longer consume for health.

1. Fruit juice in packaging

Most fruit juices in the usual packaging you buy in the mini market has been through the process of pasteurization.

The process destroys many nutrients. At the same time, such produl also add a lot of sweetener.

In addition, this kind of juice is also an extraction of the fruit as a whole, and leaves the fiber content of the fruit, which serves to slow the absorption of sugar into the blood.

2. Soft Drinks

This is well known. But did you know that one can of soda contains equal to eight teaspoons of sugar?

The amount is more than the amount of sugar recommended for consumption in a day.

Does this make me full? Not really. You just want and want more.

3. Drink version of the diet

Drinks with the label "diet" version may be sugar free. But, these drinks contain artificial sweeteners.

Research finds the facts, people who regularly consume artificial sweeteners tend to be easier to gain weight.

The quantity they consume may be 13,000 times sweeter than sugar.

This will make the body continue to want sugar and cause you to want to eat more.

4. Smoothies at the store

Do not think that all "green" foods will be healthy. Some types of soft drinks actually contain more sugar than soft drinks.

Avoid smoothies that do not need to be included in the refrigerator. Smoothies like that could have been through a long pasteurization process and may also be added artificial preservatives.

But, be careful also with smoothies that are often claimed as "fresh smoothies". So, do not forget to always check the beverage label.

5. Vitamin water

Supposedly, a vitamin-rich drink is good for the body, right? It is wrong. Vitamin water may contain many vitamins. But that does not mean that sugar and flavorings are not added to it.

In fact, a bottle of vitamin water contains approximately 31 grams of sugar or equivalent to nearly eight teaspoons.

More vitamins will be obtained if you consume from the fruit directly.

6. Almond Milk

Peanut milk, often using almonds, is quite hits right now. And you may feel right because you have consumed it.

The bad news, except the almond milk is not sweetened, which you consume actually is a drink with a pile of sugar in it.

Very much. If you want to consume, always choose almond milk without sugar and remain cautious drinks use date syrup or rice syrup.

This type of syrup is just another type of sugar.

7. Water flavor

Despite the photographs of fruits on the packaging and giving a healthy impression, some flavor drinks mix more sugar than even soft drinks. And, many are made also with artificial sweeteners.

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