Sunday, April 1, 2018

6 Things That Trigger The Cancer That Is All Around You

Cancer is the result of damage or genetic mutations in DNA. According to the International Agency for Cancer Research under the auspices of WHO, many things around us that contain cancer-related substances, as follows.

- Contraception

Contraceptives can increase the risk of developing breast and cervical cancers. However, research also suggests this tool may decrease the likelihood of endometrial, ovarian, or colorectal cancer.

- Plastic

Plastics can be dangerous, especially those containing BPA chemicals. Although many plastic manufacturers label products with "BPA free", there are still many plastics that cause breast and prostate cancer.

- Toaster

According to the US National Cancer Institute, roasted grilled meat can release harmful chemicals. The results are not positive causing cancer, but altering DNA in a similar way to cancer.

- Tanning bed

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, the use of basking alias tanning beds increase the risk of skin cancer melanoma. Those who use it excessively before the age of 35 years increase the risk by 75 percent.

- Alcohol

Alcohol consumption regularly increases the risk of various types of cancer, including throat, liver, breast, and colon cancer. The National Cancer Institute says the risk increases as the amount drunk.

- Cigarettes

A cigarette contains at least 70 types of chemicals that trigger cancer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said smokers exposed to smoke were at risk of lung cancer between 20-30 percent, quoted from the Business Insider page.

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