Monday, April 16, 2018

Seven Benefits of Yellow Melon Consumption

Melon musk or family yellow melon such as honeydew, crenshaw, and casaba, is a sweet fruit and delicious to eat. This fruit also contains a lot of folic acid which has anti-coagulant effect.

Nutritionist Apoorva Saini from Santoshiarogyam Diet E Clinic, New Delhi, and Dr Aditi, a nutritionist from Columbia Asia Hospital, Ghaziabad, then gave some more excuses for consuming this delicious and sweet melon.

Relieves muscle cramps during menstruation

As quoted from The Indian Express, melon musk contains many folic acid which has anti-coagulant effect. It helps in dissolving blood clots, reducing water retention and reducing muscle cramps. Consuming melon musk also keeps away from the pain.

Sharp eyesight

The rich content of vitamin A in melon musk comes in beta-carotene form. Beta-carotene is good for vision and low chance of getting cataracts. Vitamin A is also useful for epithelial cells of the skin and make healthy eyes.

Build immunity and stop premature aging

Melon musk contains Vitamin C. Vitamins that help boost immunity by stimulating and increasing white blood cells that help destroy viruses and bacteria. It also stops premature aging and prevents heartburn.

Reduces constipation

Summers with soaring temperatures can cause heat stroke and stomach upsets. Not to mention fatty foods that may be consumed and digestive tract problems are things that can cause constipation. The content of melon musk fiber helps increase the amount of food and reduce constipation.

Maintain electrolyte balance

Someone tends to sweat more in the summer. It can cause loss of minerals from the body. The content of sodium and potassium in melon musk helps maintain electrolyte balance.

Cleanse the kidneys and prevent stones

The existing oxygen in the melon musk provides protection from kidney stones and kidney disorders. High moisture content in aqueous fruit can cleanse the kidneys.

Prevent heart disease

Adenosine present in melon musk acts as a blood thinner and clot solver to prevent heart disease. One person can eat about 250-300g of melon musk every day.

However, Saini advises diabetic patients to stick with an amount smaller than 100-150 grams if they want to eat it and avoid overcooked fruit.

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