Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Coconut Water Helps Relieve Back Pain

Pain in the back is the most common type of back pain. This disorder will improve on its own over time.

According to The National Health Service, one can speed recovery by making some small lifestyle rewards. One of them by drinking coconut water.

Nutritionist Dr Josh Ax claims coconut water helps reduce back pain because it is rich in potassium and potassium. This substance reduces swelling and helps improve nerve function.

"Potassium reduces swelling and is an important electrolyte for muscle and nerve function," says Ax, as quoted by Express on Wednesday (18/4).

Ax reveals drinking more coconut water can also help relieve stress and muscle tension. Coconut water is known to contain about 40 mg of sodium, equivalent to 10 percent of daily human calcium and magnesium needs.

In addition to coconut water, it should include potassium-rich foods that also tend to be high in beneficial magnesium content. Like, green leafy vegetables, avocados, bananas, and milk. But for people with kidney disease should limit foods high in potassium.

On the other hand, the NHS reveals being overweight may increase the risk of back pain disorders. Try lowering a few pounds to prevent the condition.

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