Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Garut and Gembili Is Suitable For Diabetes Patients

Indonesia has a source of local food that has high fiber fiber content and is believed to be very good for maintaining health. The reason, food fiber can protect the body from diseases caused by poor diet, including for people with diabetes mellitus, heart disease, colon cancer and obesity.

Researcher and food Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing (FKKMK) Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Sunarti rate, one of the local food sources that have been studied have high enough food fiber is garut bulbs and gembili bulbs.

He said, both tubers had been done clinical trials with tested try to patients affected by diabetes mellitus. Sunarti said, food that has high fiber food contents generally contain low glycemic index (IG) below 55.

However, these two types of tubers actually produce even lower numbers. "The glycemic index is low to 32," Sunarti said in a discussion of Food Fiber In Handling Metabolic Syndrome in the Library Room of FKKMK UGM.

The Glycemic Index (IG) is a measure used to indicate how quickly the carbohydrates present in foods can be converted into sugar by the human body. According to Sunarti, although both tubers have low, low and high IG levels it depends also on how to cook it.

Cooking aims to allow the fiber contained in it to dissolve in the body after consumption. Food processing can affect by warming up to 150 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes. With that condition, the soluble fiber will be more.

In addition, these two bulbs are very difficult to obtain because rarely planted the farmers. When developed more, he said, certainly very beneficial for health especially for diabetics militus, while reducing dependence on imported food such as wheat. "Can raise local food, reduce dependence on wheat that not all the body of the patient can match," said Sunarti.

Sunarti also dismissed the notion that vegetables have high fiber foods needed by the body. For Sunarti, vegetables have fiber but are not soluble in the body. The soluble fiber is actually present in fruits and tubers.

Soluble fiber, continued Sunarti, able to control the absorption of food and cause longer satiety. Thus, suitable consumed by diabetics militus and those who want to maintain weight (diet). "We know people with diabetes mellitus is more hungry, if not limited will increase levels of gulu," said Sunarti.

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