Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Myths About Fibrous Foods

Fiber is an essential component for any diet. Fiber helps digestion, prevents constipation, and lowers the risk of heart disease. But despite its rich benefits, fiber is surrounded by cruel myths.

According to Public Health England (PHE) statistics, most British people do not get enough fiber from their food. The average English person consumes 18 grams of fiber every day, but the figure is well below the recommended intake of 30 grams.

What is the problem of people difficult to consume fiber? Although important, there are many misconceptions about fiber, from how much is needed, where fiber is obtained, and more

The most common myth when many sources state that grains and legumes are the best fiber producers. Most people then think to eat cereal, whereas eating is often filled with sugar which then reduces the nutritional value. Healthier alternatives to cereals can be obtained from whole grains or nuts and complex carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes.

Then, the myth of only one type of fiber. Of course not, because there are soluble fibers available in oats, nuts and lentils, and those that are not soluble are available in certain grains, grains, and vegetables.

Both types of fiber are just as important. Soluble fiber lowers the risk of heart disease. While insoluble fiber helps food travel more easily in the digestive tract.

Both are equally important in supporting the digestive system. Foods rich in fiber will usually contain both, so no need to worry about how to get both types of fiber.

Usually fruit and vegetables are fiber-rich foods. Some but much richer in fiber than others. The best sources of fiber include broccoli, peas, and kiwifruit. Fruit or vegetables that are also skinned when eaten with the skin will increase the fiber content. Especially for root vegetables like cucumber and radish.

The problem of fiber deficiency can be encouraged by the consumption of fibrous foods. If the body needs fiber, know the content of food to know the fiber content for the sake of intake is met.

Nutritionist Dr Ranj Singh says switching from cashew to almonds can add 1 gram of daily fiber intake. While choosing wine instead of strawberries can almost double the level of fiber, quoted from the Independent, Thursday (26/4).

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