Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Many Fish Consumption Increase Good Cholesterol Levels

Increasing intake of fatty fish will increase the amount of good cholesterol particles significantly, according to a study at the University of Eastern Finland .
People who often eat fish at least 3-4 times a week have a greater good cholesterol particles in their blood , compared to those who ate less fish .
Good cholesterol ( HDL ) is very capable to protect themselves from heart disease . HDL will sweep bad cholesterol in the arterial walls of your heart are associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease .
Reporting from Medical News Today , Tuesday ( 11/3 ) , this study asked participants to eat fish 3-4 times a week . Species as salmon , rainbow trout , herring , and vendance .

The fish are not other flavored butter or cream . Low-fat fish is also useful for lowering high blood pressure . Traditionally , cholesterol divided into bad cholesterol ( LDL ) and HDL .
"People should not fool themselves by forcing a diet because it is very complicated . Would be better to increase the consumption of fish and other vegetable fats , " says researcher of the study , Maria Lankinen .
This finding is also in line with the Finnish nutrition recommendations that encourage people to eat less red meat and switch to fish and other seafood .

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