Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Benefits of Papaya and Pineapple for Digestion

The enzyme is a nutrient that is responsible for carrying out almost every metabolic function. The body has about 3000 unique enzyme, which is involved in more than 7000 of enzymatic reactions. Simply put, without enzymes, our bodies will cease to function.

Unfortunately, many of our foods void of enzymes. Cooking food can completely destroy the enzyme, make your body lose the key components for life. Fruits such as pineapple and papaya are the best fruit to enrich the supply of enzymes in your body.

Another enzyme-rich foods that can be considered, such as melon, mango, kiwi, grapes, avocado, and coconut water. Here is how enzymes found in some fruits can be utilized directly, as reported on NaturalNews, Thursday (12/18/2014).


Papaya fruit is a rich source of proteolytic enzymes, such as papain, which can greatly assist the process of digestion. Papain has been regarded as one of the most effective in breaking up the meat and other proteins, so they are ready to be used for growth and repair of the body.

Because the papaya fruit is rich in natural sugars, eating papaya 15-30 minutes before a meal, highly recommended for digestion.


Bromelain is a complex mixture of substances that can be extracted from the stem and core pineapple. Among the dozens of components in the pineapple, the most studied component is a protein digestive enzyme called cysteine proteinase.

This enzyme is not limited to the benefits for digestion. Research has shown, they also help overcome the severe inflammation, excessive blood clotting, and some types of tumor growth.

Because pineapple is also rich in natural sugar, which is a good idea to try the pineapple 15-30 minutes before eating.

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