Thursday, December 18, 2014

Five Secrets of Healthy Fruit mulberry

Behind the mulberry fruit sweetness, apparently save a lot of health benefits. What is it?

Quoted NaturalNews, Friday (12/19/2014) The following five benefits of mulberry fruit you should know:

Slowing potential diabetes

According to the study, someone who eat mulberry can slow the development of type 2 diabetes potential of 60 percent of respondents admitted patients, glucose levels in the body is low because they often eat mulberry.

Keeping blood flow

Patients often use mulberry to overcome the problem of blood clotting. Apparently the anti-inflammatory properties of mulberry plants naturally lower blood pressure, risk of stroke, kidney disorders, liver, and heart.

low fat

The tiny black is apparently rich in protein, vitamins and nutrients but suitable for the diet. It also can reduce body fat and increase muscle.

maintain immunity

Because the fruit is rich in vitamins A and C, in the rainy season many-many eating mulberry. The fruit is proven to fight the flu, keep the digestive tract to protect the eyes and other organs.

Treating skin aging

Generally mulberry often used to treat acne and aging. Because the antioxidant properties contained in this fruit can remove toxins from the body.

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