Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Stuffy Nose Symptoms Could Be Allergies

Often have a stuffy nose? Do not trigger consider it trivial. The nose is often clogged it could be because you suffer from allergies.

ENT specialist Gandaria Hospital, Dr. Rusdian Main Roeslani SpTHT-KL, said one of the causes of nasal congestion is rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is an abnormal reaction of the immune system to certain substances that are considered foreign by the body.

Triggers of allergies are called allergens. When allergens attack, the body begins to produce antibodies called IgE specific types. The aim is to bind allergens attack. Ig-E bond and allergens will cause the release of allergy-causing substances called histamine.

Histamine and will cause a runny nose, sneezing and nasal congestion. "Nasal congestion is one of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis," he said, Wednesday (3/12).

He added that allergic rhinitis usually occurs repeatedly in a week or so, if not avoided originators and not treated adequately.

Several types of allergens causing allergic rhinitis is inhalant allergens (inhaled through the air) and ingestan allergens (food). Examples of inhalant allergens are mites (house dust mite), pollen, animal dander and cockroaches. While allergens ingestan are chocolate, nuts, milk and other.

"When allergic rhinitis is not handled properly it will interfere with the quality of life in performing their daily lives," he said.

Management of adequate indispensable to handle this disease. One practical way to do that is with a nasal spray.

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