Monday, December 29, 2014

Drinking Ice Generate Passion Sex

The pleasure of drinking a glass of ice, it can be fruitful to the enjoyment of the intimate relationship between husband and wife pasangann. This was disclosed by researchers from the United States.

But in a study published in Medical Hypotheses, researchers also revealed that a person who likes to drink ice can iron deficiency. But in addition, can also raise a person's sex drive.

"We thought it must be the case that the ice can trigger some response in the human body from the blood and oxygen to the brain," said researcher Current Penn as reported by FoxNews, Tuesday (12/30/2014)

But at least, says Penn, two hematology of the study had the possibility that someone who had iron deficiency does not mean you have anemia.

The difference with sexual arousal, someone would get a boost stimulation of blood flow to the brain, so the ice is claimed to facilitate intercourse anatara husband and wife couple.

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