Sunday, September 23, 2018

5 Sources of Vitamins Good for the Brain

The brain is one of the most important organs to support human life. The brain needs good and proper fuel to work properly. Without good and proper fuel, the brain's performance can slow down and cause a variety of disorders ranging from lack of focus, feeling unhappy to feeling unmotivated.

The fuel needed by this brain can be obtained from a variety of nutrients, ranging from vitamins to minerals. The following are five nutrients that are beneficial in supporting the health and performance of the brain as reported by LifeHack.

Omega 3

About 60 percent of the brain consists of fat. Therefore, the right fat intake is one of the most important factors that need to be considered in order to maintain brain health.

One of the most important types of fat the brain needs is omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3, for example DHA, is an important nutrient that forms the outer layer of brain cells.

Lack of omega 3 intake can affect the development and cognitive function of the normal brain. Omega 3 deficiency is also known to be associated with early brain aging and decreased cognitive function.

Of course, the Omega 3 intake needs to be obtained from the best sources so that the benefits will be optimal. Some good and healthy sources of omega 3 are walnuts, chia seeds, sardines and salmon, flaxseed, eggs and fish oil.


Magnesium is an essential mineral that is essential for brain activity. Magnesium is also known to calm the brain and nervous system so it is often dubbed the 'natural valium of nature'. Magnesium is also known to help the brain reduce stress hormones, bring anti-inflammatory benefits, increase neuroplasticity, calm the nervous system, help relieve depression and reduce anxiety.

There are hundreds of metabolic processes in the body and brain that require magnesium. Ironically, the magnesium deficiency is the second largest nutrient deficiency in the world today.

There are several good and healthy sources of magnesium that can be added to your daily diet. Some of them are almonds, spinach, cashews, avocados and black beans.

Vitamin B1: Thiamine

There are various types of B vitamins that can benefit the health of the brain, one of which is vitamin B1 or thiamine. Thiamine is needed by many metabolic processes in the body, including the process for treating energy. And as is known, the brain is an organ that uses energy in large quantities every day.

Sufficient thiamine intake can improve mood, increase energy and awareness by providing enough energy for the brain. That way, the brain can work more effectively all the time. Conversely, lack of thiamine can make the brain lack the energy resources needed. Low levels of thiamine in the body are also associated with nerve damage, nerve inflammation, fatigue, short-term memory loss, fading to irritability.

Getting enough thiamine intake can maintain good brain performance. Thiamine can be obtained from several good sources such as seaweed, sunflower seeds, macadamia nuts, lentils and black beans.

Vitamin B6

Another type of B vitamin that is also very good for the brain is vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is needed to improve mood and provide happiness. In addition, vitamin B6 is also beneficial in fighting mental fatigue.

On the other hand, B6 is known as an important component in building neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that produces a feeling of happiness. In addition, serotonin is also important to improve the mood. Norepinephrine also has the ability to help the brain stay focused and alert.

Lack of B6 intake can trigger symptoms such as irritability, loss of focus and concentration, fatigue, memory problems and muscle aches. Vitmain B6 can be obtained from beef fed grass, pistachio nuts, tuna, turkey breast and avocado.

Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 is a type of B vitamin which is also needed by the brain. Vitmain, also known as folate, plays a very important role in normal brain development.

Folate is also known as an important component for creating various neurotransmitters that the brain uses to communicate and regulate the immune system. Not only that, folate is also a natural antioxidant which according to some studies can help maintain brain function and memory.

Folate deficiency can have a significant impact on the brain. Low folate levels in the body can cause increased cerebral cortex degeneration and also damage and decreased cognitive function.

Folate is also known as an important component for creating various neurotransmitters that the brain uses to communicate and regulate the immune system. Not only that, folate is also a natural antioxidant which according to some studies can help maintain brain function and memory.

Folate deficiency can have a significant impact on the brain. Low folate levels in the body can cause increased cerebral cortex degeneration and also damage and decreased cognitive function.

Folate deficiency is usually accompanied by symptoms such as decreased immune function, chronic fatigue, increased anxiety and irritability and brain fog or brain fog. Vitamin B9 can be obtained from several sources such as spinach, beef liver, broccoli, asparagus, and romaine lettuce.

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