Sunday, September 30, 2018

Ginger and Cinnamon to Speed ​​Metabolism

Feeling having a slow metabolism? It's good to add ginger-like foods, coffee and tea to the menu.

This type of food is thought to accelerate the body's metabolic rate. Slow metabolism makes the body tend to store fat rather than burn it. Reported through The Indian Express, several types of food are believed to be able to handle these problems.

Pepper contains capsaicin, a type of chemical that can increase the body's metabolism. Capsaicin is also able to burn fat and reduce appetite.

Then, foods that need to be added to the diet menu, namely coffee. Caffeine in coffee is not only able to burn fat, but can also improve metabolic performance more effectively.

Tea is a type of beverage that contains catechins. The combination of caffeine and catechins can increase the body's metabolism. Oolong and green tea types also optimize the burning of body fat.

It's not new when ginger is called an anti-inflammatory drink. However, in several studies also mentioned that ginger can increase the body's metabolism. Ginger makes you feel full and keeps your intestinal health healthy.

Cinnamon is a food ingredient that must be added to the diet menu. In cinnamon there is a high antioxidant, and is effective in stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Cinnamon also has anti-inflammatory properties like ginger. Cinnamon also triggers the body to burn fat more optimally.

So, interested in trying?

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