Thursday, September 13, 2018

Deadly, Recognize Four Early Sepsis Symptoms

Sepsis is a complication of an infection that can be life threatening. Sepsis occurs when chemicals that enter the bloodstream to fight infection actually trigger an inflammatory response throughout the body. This inflammation can lead to the destruction of many fatal organ systems.

Sepsis can be caused by various types of infections, ranging from bacterial, fungal to parasitic infections. The most common areas of infection that can cause sepsis are the lungs, urinary tract, stomach and pelvis.

Handling sepsis early is the key to successful treatment. Therefore, the initial symptoms of sepsis are very important to be known by ordinary people.

Unfortunately, many symptoms of sepsis are considered quite common and not typical. One of them is feeling unwell. This makes the symptoms of sepsis often considered not serious and neglected.

Even so, the NHS (National Health Service), which is a health care institution in the UK, has listed the initial symptoms of sepsis that can be watched out in older children and adults. These four initial symptoms are high body temperature or low body temperature, cold and chills, rapid heartbeat and rapid breathing.

These symptoms will get heavier when the sepsis condition worsens or septic shock occurs. Some symptoms that may arise in this condition are feeling dizzy or weak, there are changes in mental conditions such as feeling confused and disorientated, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting up to pelo when talking.

Another symptom that may occur when sepsis gets heavier is severe pain in the muscles, difficulty breathing, less urine production than normal or even not urinating in one day, the skin feels cold, moist or pale, to lose consciousness.

"Severe sepsis or septic shock is a medical emergency. If you think you or someone around you is experiencing this condition, immediately contact an emergency contact," the NHS health agency said as quoted by Express on Friday (9/14).

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