Monday, September 24, 2018

6 More Protein Rich Foods Than Eggs

Eggs are known to be rich in protein. In every one egg there are an average of six grams of protein, various vitamins and minerals. No wonder many people put it in the diet with other healthy foods like salads, casseroles and toast.

However, consuming eggs continuously will certainly be very boring isn't it? Actually there are many other food ingredients that are richer in protein than eggs. Some of these food sources can be consumed alternately every day to meet protein needs.


Chicken contains 25 grams of protein in every 4 ounces of presentation. Chicken can be eaten as a main dish and can also be an additional ingredient for salads or soups.


Tofu is one of the foods with low protein content. However, with a content of 9 grams of protein in every 3 ounces of serving, this amount is still more than can be obtained on eggs. Besides that, tofu also contains other nutrients such as fiber, iron and calcium.


Unlike abroad, tempe is a source of protein that is very easy to find in Indonesia. With low prices, many people make tempeh as a side dish of vegetable dishes. In every 3 ounces of food, tempeh contains 170 calories and 16 proteins. In addition, tempeh is also good for the growth of stomach bacteria in the intestine.


Not only omega-3 fatty acids, tuna is also rich in protein. In every 3 ounces of raw tuna, you can get 20 grams to 33 grams of protein. Generally tuna is the main dish that is always available in many restaurants.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt or Greek yogurt is very rich in protein. By consuming a cup of greek yogurt, you can get 20 grams of protein. Besides protein, you will also get probiotics that are good for intestines as well as calcium for bones.


By consuming 236 milliliters of milk, you can get 8 grams of protein. Not only that, milk also contains various important minerals and vitamins that are good for bone health. For practitioners of a vegetarian lifestyle, to get nutrients similar to cow's milk, you can eat soy milk, quoted from the Prevention page.

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