Sunday, September 2, 2018

Consumption of Red Meat and Cheese Healthy for the Heart

During this time, consumption of red meat is often avoided by some people because it is considered not good for body health. The same thing applies to derivative products such as cheese.

This assumption makes the results of the latest research conducted by the McMaster University research team quite surprising. The reason, the research team found that consumption of non-processed red meat and cheese on a regular basis can actually reduce the risk of premature death by improving heart health.

This study involved more than 218 thousand adults from more than 50 countries in the world. The research team divided all participants into five categories according to the diet they applied daily.

The results showed that consumption of dairy products and non-processed red meat could drastically reduce the risk of premature death. This benefit can be obtained if processed red meat and milk derivative products are consumed daily in moderate amounts and combined with a balanced and healthy diet.

In addition, the research team also said people need to pay more attention to the amount of refined carbohydrates consumed daily.

"People who adopt a diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, dairy products and meat have the lowest risk of cardiovascular disease and premature death," said one researcher Dr. Andrew Mente as reported by the Independent.

Although these findings indicate a positive impact on the consumption of meat and dairy products, they certainly cannot be consumed excessively. NHS revealed that the most recommended consumption of red meat and processed meat per day is 70 grams. It is said, excessive consumption of red meat and processed meat can increase the risk of colon cancer in the future.

Responding to this latest finding, British Heart Foundation expert Professor Jeremy Pearson also said red meat and milk derivative products alone were not enough to maintain heart health. Red meat and milk derivative products must be combined into a healthy diet or balanced diet.

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