Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fatty Food Fix "Mood"

Everyone would always strive to continue to feel excited and happy. But sometimes happiness away, there are times when it comes suddenly. To always feel happy is a challenge for anyone. Those who always feel happy and happy is the luckiest in the world.

But now, to maintain a happy mood seems so difficult according to researchers from the University of Leuven Belgium. Research experts indicated there, consuming fatty foods allow you to stay motivated. That is, you only need to eat a piece of cake or chocolate to improve mood (mood) you in an instant.
The fact is, there is a strong link between what happens in the body and emotional conditions that we experience. This study also proved that taste is also influential to make us eat comfortably. For example, we tend to prefer to eat an apple instead of chocolate when under stress.
In his research, the experts involved 12 healthy people and not classified as obese. Researchers used a feeding tube containing a liquid mixture of fatty acids or salts and then inserted into the body of volunteers. The researchers chose fatty acids because many are available in a variety of foods.
The researchers then mapped the specific parts of the brains of volunteers using MRI scans. Certain parts of the brain are active when the volunteers seem to feel sad. Volunteers are also asked to hear the sad or neutral music and also asked to see the sad and neutral-themed images. They asked to speak when they feel full, hungry, and their mood before performing an MRI scan. Volunteers do not know if they were given a fatty acid or salt.
The results showed that the level of grief almost 50 percent lower in volunteers who received fatty acids compared with those receiving saline solution. Fatty acid emulsion was found to affect parts of the brain that undergo activation or repression of emotion or mood. Fat was found to reduce some of the changes in the nerves.
That need to be emphasized is that the research was conducted in non-obese individuals. By doing so, does that mean they are overweight or obese happier? Or whether they are obese and overweight have at least a corresponding value of happiness? Of course this needs to be further investigated.

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