Friday, July 22, 2011

Kaffir lime For Immune Post-Surgical Cancer Patients

Fruit and kaffir lime leaves (Citrus Hystrix DC) is known as a fruit ingredient for cooking seasonings. This plant is also popular among herbal users for its benefits to ease the pain of influenza, cough, or even for shampoo.

Through research, the benefits of this herbaceous plant was more powerful, which can be used to boost immunity. Based on initial research student at the Faculty of Pharmacy Gadjah Mada University (UGM), kaffir lime skin can be antioxidants that help stabilize the immune system for cancer patients. This fruit leather berptensi even be a substitute keeper drug doxorubicin or the immune system for people with cancer or cancer chemotherapy postoperatively.

Herwandani daughter and two friends, a student who conducted the study, said skin kaffir lime containing naringenin and hespiridin compounds, which act as antioxidants and enhance immune system and accompanying cancer chemotherapy.

Furthermore daughter says, how to make the drug from the skin of lime is quite simple. Orange peel, take the skin and washed as necessary, and then heated in an oven until dry. Ground dried orange peel to a fine powder. Fine powder is placed in a cup or elsewhere, and mixed or extracted with ethanol as a solvent.

According to him, 500 grams of an orange powder which was extracted with ethanol can produce 100 grams. In his research, Princess uses lime extracts to mice who were chemotherapy.

"With treatment after our study, mice white blood cells increased significantly," said the Princess, Friday (22/07/2011).

In addition, he said the use of herbs from the lime, for patients with cancer who undergo chemotherapy can prevent the effects resulting from the use of chemical drugs doxorubicin, such as hair does not fall out.

Princess Herwandani research has been included in the National Student Science Week in Makassar, on Thursday (21/07/2011). Princess promised to investigate deeper into the skin application of lime as an alternative medicine and developed the packaging

If the reference to international regulations, laboratory testing and drug trials take at least 20 years. But, he felt sure temuanya could be applied more quickly if a lot of parties to help in its development.

"I hope not to wait 20 years kaffir lime extract could be cancer chemotherapy drug that is recognized the world of medicine," he said.


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