Friday, July 15, 2011

Leaves Binahong

PLANT is growing vine. Often used as gendola or circular arch over the garden path. Some are named binahong and from Korea. However, these plants have long existed in Indonesia and called gendola (Basella rubra Linn.)

Almost all parts of the plant binahong like tubers, stems and leaves can be used in herbal therapy. Now the seedlings easily purchased in Kopeng attraction. These plants do grow well in cold and humid environments.

The benefits of this plant has been picked Soejiyo, a former employee that normal Kanindotex nglaju Solo-Semarang each day worked. He said, binahong is herbs that can recover stamina sluggish.

In addition to enhancing the vitality of man, binahong can heal the wound in and out like after surgery, typhoid, ulcers, colitis, and hemorrhoids. Can also cope with the swelling and blood clots, restoring the condition of weak after the illness, arthritis, bruising hit, uric acid and prevent stroke.
For use in, Soejiyo meraciknya as follows: take rhizoma (bulbs) to taste, washed, then boiled, filtered and the results after a cold drink 2-3 times a day, this way to heal surgical wounds, ulcers, typhoid, dysentery, physical fitness (add eggs and honey), prevent stroke, gout and lumbago.

However, the tuber can also be dried, then finely ground, then put in a capsule 0.5 mh and drink 3 times a day.

For external use only, leaves and stems finely crushed and then applied to the affected part. This material is to heal the bruises because of hit, hit the fire (heat), rheumatic, stiff, sore muscles, smoothing the skin.

Tubers other ingredients are mixed by boiling with betel leaf, ginger with a ratio of odd: 7, 9, 13 for healing the heart swelling, swelling of the liver, diabetes, kidney damage and inflammation of the colon.

The trunk to overcome the weaknesses of men, by the way taken the sap is applied to the penis, then set aside some time to do intercourse with my wife. When boiled with kencur (3 cups to 1 cup) by mouth each evening for one week, the results have also okay.

Binahong processing is not too difficult, as is known not only who can be juiced buah2an but leaves in the juice can binahongpun [blend] or be in the eating / chewing directly tub eat salad vegetables also its leaves can also digosokan when times feel sore sore hands, the leaves will binahong immediately absorbed into the body and produce a warm bath balm rubbed.

Some leaves are chewed hinga binahong refined or cooked cooked with a glass of water and drunk to the dregs, if we will make the juice / dibelender input a few leaves are mixed with eggs and honey make for a glass.

~ Category ailments as follows;
¤> Dysentery (bowel waste) 10 leaves and drink every day
¤> ambeyen to bleed 16 pieces / day
¤> nose nosebleed 4 pieces / day
¤> Out of 20 sheets of the surgical operation / day
¤> Burn 10 pieces / day
¤> Acne 8 sheets / day
¤> Bowel Swelling 8 sheets / day
¤> Bleeding Gums 4 pieces / day
¤> Appetite Less 5 Lemba / day
¤> Smooth 3/lembar Haid (taken during menses)
¤> maternity Expires 7 pieces (drink each day slama 10 days)
¤> Maintaining Stamina Body in order to stay healthy 1 sheet / day forever
¤> Heating Body 5 pieces / day
¤> Weak lust 10/day 3 pieces or sheets of any drink mixed with honey.
~ Categories for severe disease and the dose leaves binahong as follows; 

*>> Coughing vomiting blood 10 pieces / day
*>> 10 sheets perforated lung Lung / day
*>> Diabetes 11 pieces / day
*>> Shortness of breath 7 pieces / day
*>> Acute chronic ulcers 12 pieces / day
*>> Broken Bones 10-24 pieces / day
*>> All kinds of kinds of itching / eczema 9 pieces / day
*>> Brain Geger light / heavy 10 pieces / day
*>> Symptoms of liver 10 pieces / days

For results of the healing takes up to several months but do not despair treat it regularly drink until membaik.selamat try hopefully recover quickly amen ...
NB: AVOID Medicinal plants, but plant chemistry is not a rare / unusual there are no side effects. How to drink after meals 3x a day and night.


Binahong prohibited mixing with chemical pills and liquor.

After drinking forbidden to eat spicy, coffee 24 hours / 48 hours.

We recommend using a suitable where petujuk and rules as written above.

Bulbs binahong very high doses {100%}.

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