Thursday, July 14, 2011

6 Foods That Can Lose Weight

Trying to lose weight? Besides reducing the amount of food, some foods can help you lose weight faster. Giving a sense of satiety for longer and taste delicious too!

High nutritious food ingredients can make last a long satiety and increase metabolism. Like to include nuts - nuts, eggs and meat on the menu daily to maintain satiety, so the body stay slim.

Some of these foods can reduce hunger and increase metabolism in order to stay slim.

Eggs Protein content in eggs could help the body feel full longer. The study involving 30 women with overweight or obesity showed that the protein in eggs can prevent blood sugar spikes, which can suppress appetite.

According to the research of University of California at Davis, the bean has a cholecystokinin compounds that can make your stomach full longer and stabilize blood sugar levels are high fiber foods, and can also help lower bad cholesterol levels.

Green tea Content of antioxidants called catechins in green tea helps speed up metabolism to burn fat and is responsible for controlling appetite and can reduce kolsterol bad (LDL) cholesterol in the body.

Pears and Apples Pears and apples contain pectin fiber, which helps lower blood sugar levels and appetite. Obese women who ate three small pears or apples per day, could lose more weight than those on a diet without fruit.

Lean beef The content of the amino acid leucine is abundant in protein foods like meat, fish, and dairy products, can erode the fat and maintain muscle elasticity. In addition, it also effectively reduce the appetite.

Studies conducted by the research team of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, conducted experiments on 24 middle-aged women who are overweight. They asked respondents to consume 300 g of lean beef per day. The result, they were able to scrape the fat and reduce the muscle more than those who consume the same amount of calories but little protein.

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