Saturday, July 30, 2011

Brain Need Pause 20 Minutes Before Receiving New Information the human brain is almost the same time receive a lot of information or commands at once, so maybe one of them will be forgotten. In order to remember well, the brain needs a break 20 minutes before receiving other information.

The human brain, especially the males are not designed for multitasking or doing several things at the same time. Since when is processing the previous information, the brain is difficult to receive information or order new so prone to forget.

A neurologist from Harvard Medical School, Prof. Edwin Robertson, D. Phil confirmed it happened not because of the limited memory capacity of the brain. Memory brain big enough, but like a computer will slow down performance when running multiple programs at once.

In his research in the journal Nature Neuriscience, Prof Robertson said the brain takes about 20 minutes to actually process and store the information in memory.

Quoted from Menshealth on Monday (7/25/2011), the entry of other information at the time could affect memory.

Therefore if you do not want none of forgotten information or orders, he suggests there is a pause 20 minutes before the brain receives a command, or trying to remember something else. The fewer breaks are given, the greater the risk to forget.

A previously published study even suggested that the brain was given pause for 2 hours while receiving a lot of information that are not easily forgotten. But with the scheduled events and a very solid, two-hour intervals were too long and makes people even be counterproductive.

In addition to giving pause to the brain, another way to improve memory is to choose the most relaxing time to receive information. Therefore, many students who find it easier to remember the subject matter if re-read it at bedtime.

Brain memory will only increase in conditions that really relaxed, but the laugh is not included relaxing the conditions in question. A study at the University of Missouri shows, respondents became more difficult to memorize multiplication after reassembly funny video. *


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