Sunday, February 5, 2012

Beware of Side Effects Vegetarians

Many people think, pursue a vegetarian diet is one healthy choice. This is true, with due regard to your notes and follow the nutritional needs of a balanced diet.
But do not ever think that you can live healthier when not eating food of animal origin, such as beef, chicken and so on. By avoiding all animal products, it will take you on the bad side effects. Want to know what the side effects? Here is the explanation, as quoted by National Geographic:
1. Deficiency (deficiency) of vitamin B12

If you are a strict vegetarian and do not consume milk, eggs or other animal products, you may be at risk of vitamin B12 deficiency. Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include anemia, fatigue, impaired balance and tingling in the arms and legs, according to experts from the University of Maryland Medical Center. Vitamin B12 is essential for metabolic processes, maintenance of the central nervous system and red blood cell formation.
2. Iron deficiency
Meat provides many sources of iron are easily digested by the body, unlike the case with that derived from plants. Inadequate intake of red meat, poultry or fish may cause you to iron deficiency and anemia. Symptoms of iron deficiency include fatigue, weakness, cognitive development is slow and prone to infection.
Women who suffer from iron deficiency risk of having a baby is born premature or low weight. The National Institute for Health (NIH) recommends that vegetarians should get twice as much iron as derived from vegetable substances, absorbed iron is more difficult for the body than animal products. NIH suggests, that the vegetarians can increase iron absorption by eating vitamin C or citrus fruit.
3. Zinc deficiency (zinc)
Zinc or zinc has an important role in helping to improve the sense of taste or taste. Zinc is also important for the immune system because it helps the process of wound penyembuhkan. Zinc is found in high protein foods like meat and dark poultry meat. Inadequate intake of zinc can result in a loss of appetite, susceptible to infection, hair loss and a host of other symptoms. One of the best ways for you vegetarians in increasing zinc intake is by eating beans, peanuts and peanut butter, although in general the zinc from animal proteins which are more easily absorbed by the body.
4. Deficiency of calcium
Strong bones require calcium intake and one of the best ways to get it is from dairy products. If milk, yoghurt and butter does not make part of your diet, replace it with cereal, bread and juice that has added calcium, broccoli and cabbage. Calcium deficiency can cause thinning of bone density and osteoporosis, dental problems and other medical conditions. Calcium helps the blood circulation, muscles moving, helps transmit nerve messages from the brain, and releases hormones and enzymes.

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