Sunday, February 19, 2012

Minimal consumption of 5 Various Fruits Every Day

Fruit is the best source of antioxidants to counteract free radicals. However, to obtain such benefits are encouraged to consume at least 5 servings of fruit with 5 different colors each day. In fact, most people had had enough to eat a serving of fruit after a meal.

"Fruit is a good source of vitamin C, but to get the antioxidant effect, we should consume at least 5 pieces," said dr. Samuel Oetoro, Sp.GK, a lecturer in the Department of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of medicine in a talk show titled Fruit Promotion and Branding Nusantara in Jakarta (16/02/2012).

In people who are exposed to free radicals, according to Samuel, the fruit should be added again. "For cancer patients usually I ask them to eat 10 servings of fruit with 10 colors to be more powerful antioxidants," he added.

He explained that the benefits of the fruit is not only the fiber content but also an antioxidant, water, electrolytes, vitamins, minerals, and fitokemikal derived from the color of the fruit. Eating lots of fruit so it is tedious and time consuming. Therefore, Samuel suggested that the fruit is consumed by blender.

"If you are reluctant to eat fruit or bored, blender just some kind of fruit every day," he said.

With a blender, we not only get the vitamins and minerals but also contain fiber. So not too thick, the fruit should be blended at high speed.

"To prevent the oxidation of vitamin due to the temperature of the hot blender, add a few ice cubes," advises the doctor of the Clover Clinic.

In addition, for the fruit should be consumed in fresh condition so that the quality is guaranteed. "Ideally the fruit is consumed directly from the tree or picked ripe. But at least we chose because of the imported fruits are usually picked in the raw state," he explained.

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