Friday, February 24, 2012

Chilean avocado Fight Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic resistance or drug-resistant bacteria is a health problem now faced by the medical world. Hope of solving this problem falls to the avocado fruit from Chile.

In a study published in the Journal of Microbial Chemotherapy is shown that the content in Chilean avocado able to resist the mechanisms of resistance of Staphylococcus aureus (also called staph infeksek).

Staph infection that is known as a type of bacterial infection that most often experienced by people after surgery. The impact of serious bacterial infections, ranging from sepsis to food poisoning.

Double the work of Chilean avocados are combined with conventional antibiotic is quite effective against infections that are resistant to antibiotics alone.

According to the researchers, the avocado is capable of reducing levels of the antibiotic MIC. MIC is the lowest level of concentration of antibiotics needed to stop bacterial growth. Avocados from Chile who studied this so-called MIC levels of antibiotics can reduce up to eight times.

"The bacteria that are resistant pump mechanism having expenditures in the membrane body that works to promote antibiotic. Research managed to identify the content of the work behind the pump so that the defense mechanism of bacteria that made it known. Thus, antibiotics could work," said Jes Glitz Holler, scientists from University of Copenhagen Denmark are doing this research.

Besides avocado researchers are now also investigating several substances to fight superbugs, one of which is honey made from manuka flowers. In laboratory studies, the resistant bacteria had needed by the active substance of this honey.


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