Thursday, February 13, 2014

Coconut Water Helps Overcome Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction ( ED ) would be a big problem for the sexual lives of married couples . Because , DE affects the satisfaction derived from sexual performance .

ED is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection . The cause is a lack of blood flow to the penis , nerve damage , stress , diabetes , vascular disease , medications and hormonal disorders .

" This inability to walk constantly, instead of alternating sometimes could sometimes not . Condition is also still in progress , though with different partners , " said Poncho Birowo , urology specialists of RS Asri Jakarta some time ago .

The key is to address the DE DE knowing the reason why could happen , but unfortunately most men just do not feel confident to discuss the topic so that adds to their depression . However, many natural remedies that are actually effective in overcoming DE , one of which uses coconut water .

Coconut water actually has a number of benefits that are not only good to overcome ED , but also improve general health . If you are looking for the treatment of ED , the following reasons coconut water should be your favorite beverage .

1 . Contains lots of sodium
Sodium beneficial for muscle contraction . Meanwhile , healthy muscle is an important requirement in  erection .

2 . rich in potassium
Potassium is an electrolyte essential for good erectile function . Potassium deficiency can result in sexual performance . Routine drinking coconut water will help meet the electrolyte balance in the body , while also helping erectile function .

3 . sources of magnesium
Magnesium imbalance related to poor circulation systems that cause ED . Because magnesium rich , coconut water can help resolve the issue .

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