Sunday, February 23, 2014

Fat Teens Need " Screening " Fat

Having teenage children who are overweight or obese do not be ashamed or proud . Parents should immediately be aware of the conditions experienced by children and act quickly overcome .
Parents are advised immediately improve the diet of children and consult a doctor to find the right diet .
" Usually the recommended screening will be fat , you can do the child category teens over the age of 10 years . Screening untik know this lipid profile , especially LDL , in the body , " says pediatrician Fatmawati , Lanny Christine Gultom , Wednesday ( 19/2 / 2014 ) .
LDL or low density lipoprotein is the bad fats that lead to risk adolescents experience a variety of diseases , such as cardiovascular , at a young age .

LDL levels should be no more than 110 mg / dl . When LDL levels reach 110 mg / dl , teens and parents will be educated to determine dietary patterns . These results are evaluated next 5 years .

If LDL levels reach 110-129 mg / dl , the patient must carry out physical exercise routine . Exercise performed at least 3 times a week with a duration of 60 minutes . Tended the aerobic exercise movement and strengthening muscles and bones . Patients also underwent a diet to maintain the balance of intake and portion each day . Furthermore, patients were evaluated every 1 year .

When LDL levels reached more than 130 mg / dl , immediately go to a doctor for consultation . " In my research , with LDL levels over 130 mg / dl the patient should undergo the National Cholesterol Education Program ( NCEP ) 2 . Coupled physical exercise for 3 months , LDL levels may decline , " said Lanny . Further evaluation of each month .

Through this screening can be a known cause of adolescents are obese , which consists of a primary and secondary . Caused secondary lifestyle includes diet , exercise , and activities . Adolescents who are obese usually like fast food , sugary , salty , fatty , or contain caffeine . They also do not like to move or perform physical activity .

While the primary causes are rooted in genetics . Example is the dyslipidemia associated with the apolipoprotein E. gene Dyslipidemia is difficult to process lipoproteins leading to high levels of total cholesterol , triglycerides , LDL , and low HDL . For apo 3 can be done NCEP 2 , whereas apo 2 and 4 require medication to help reduce levels of fat in the blood .

Whatever therapy is chosen, parents should make sure their teenagers have a high compliance . " Obesity in teens is often difficult to treat because of poor compliance . Adolescent easily affected environment and the peer group , to make it no longer a healthy lifestyle , " said Lanny is added , adolescents aged 13-14 years had lower adherence compared to 17-19 years .

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