Sunday, February 16, 2014

Utilizing Leaf Meniran for Natural Medicine

Meniran powerful scientifically proven to increase endurance , in addition to treat hepatitis , respiratory disorders , diabetes , jaundice , and diarrhea .
To process meniran into drugs , used parts are the fresh herbs or dried with aerated .
How to use simple , for drugs taken , boiled 15-30 grams of dried herbs meniran or 30-60 grams of fresh herbs . Then , drink boiled water .
Alternatively, mashed fresh herbs meniran , then squeeze . Accumulated water to drink . For external use , wash fresh herbs , then milled until smooth . Put the ingredients into the sore spot , then bandaged .
Here are some natural herbs using meniran :

Potion 1 ( for body swelling due to inflammation of the kidneys )
How to use: Wash meniran 50 ounces fresh , boiled in 3 cups to the remaining 1 ½ cups . Once cool , strain and drink ½ cup each , morning , noon , and night .

Potion 2 ( for urinary tract stones )
How to use: Wash each 30 g meniran , leaf scoop , and tempuyung . Boil 4 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups . Once cool , strain and drink 1 cup each , morning and afternoon .
Remedy 3 ( for pain during urination )
How to use: Wash 30 g meniran and leaves cat whiskers . Boil 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 ½ cups . Once cool , strain and drink ½ cup each , morning , noon , and night .

Potion 4 ( for dysentery )
How to use: Wash meniran 30-60 gr . Boil 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass . Once cool, strain and drink as well .

Potion 5 ( for hepatitis )
How to use: Wash meniran 30-60 grams , boiled in 3 cups until remaining 1 glass . Once cool, strain and drink as well . Do it every day for 1 week .

Potion 6 ( for night blindness )
How to use: Wash 15-20 g meniran , then steamed with 2 pieces of chicken liver . After chilling , eating and drinking his water .

Potion 7 ( for rheumatic gout )
How to use: Take 1 tablespoon fresh meniran leaves and 7 leaves cat whiskers , wash thoroughly . Boil with 1 cup of water until the remaining half cup . Once cool, strain and drink as well .

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